Yay. I simply love my class! CG 06S23. We just got our new class jersey. Hoho. It's so cool. I even got my name imprinted on it. I think I'm getting obsessed with my fun loving class. Received lots of horrible news today. We are going to take back our O levels results on friday, 10th of Feb. Oh goshhh.. I hate it.
It means.. we may not be able to stay as a class. It's just so saddening. And I don't ever want to get back my results. Hope it won't be a disappointment. Really really must pray hard to god these few days. (Maybe bribe them.)
So anyways, I think alot of teacher got pissed off with my class as we are a talkative batch. I dunno. I just can't keep silent although I very much respected the teacher talking while he/she teach. So I tried talking with a straight face instead of facing the teacher yet my friend just kip leaning over to talk. So LOL. But nevermind, I guessed I should just keep having fun till I get back my O levels results. Haiz.
Lessons are generally great. PE almost killed me. Run one round within 2 minutes and then go back to do warm up exercise then run one more round abt 2 minutes den do warm up excercise and blah.. kip on doing the same thing over n over again. Must be coz I'm not that fit anymore.
But after P.E, I called Fyonne back coz she left a hell lot of sms to me calling me to tm and blah. So I psyco two friends, Dixon and Audrey to go along with me. They went to buy waffer meal first before taking the bus and Christopher came to join us later. I then psyco Reinaldo to come too. =D
Ate tori-Q. Still as nice as ever.
here's the prove that CG 06S23 is fun okie!
I finally persuaded audrey to take the neoprint! isn't that cool? she's camera shy yet she agrees to take with the rest of the gang coz' im just too outspoken. =X
She cannot argue back with what I say so yeah.. =)
My favourite neoprint! you know why? Coz my head is the biggest. Hence, the rest of the people have to squeeze real tightly together. =( I'm so sorry..
We are a bunch of quiet students. Hoho!
Actually hor. We keep doing this pose coz Fyonne had injured her nose in an accident so we are trying to help her cover her scar. So nice hor! But I didn't know that they are doing this pose too. So I put a twist instead. -_____-"
We are all princesses. Really. I find all of my girlfriends in the class so so so so X100 pretty :D
Now I shall move on to my Orientation Group. I find myself neglecting my OG more and more ever since I got close to my Civics Group. Maybe because the people in it is more fun loving? hahas. But of course, I still love my bunch of girls in my OG. I'd never forget you all -- Zhi Yin, Jing Yi and Charlene. They are really nice. *hugs*
I finally finished scanning the photos. The super formal one..
I think I look super weird here. I just tot that maybe I could join the girls and the boys together. =/