Meanings of fuck
1.) usually obscene : COPULATE -- sometimes used in the present participle as a meaningless intensive
2.) usually vulgar : MESS
3.) used with with transitive senses
4.) usually obscene : to engage in coitus with -- sometimes used interjectionally with an object (as a personal or reflexive pronoun) to express anger, contempt, or disgust
5.) usually vulgar : to deal with unfairly or harshly
For me, the meaning of fuck is number four. Yet, someone thinks that I'm not feminine coz I use the word 'fuck' and that means I am a chao ah lian.
Someone thinks that san ba (three eight translated directly in english) is rough when everyone knows that it means bitch. Okay, I realised a mistake. Not everyone. At least not that someone.
And someone thinks it is a way of getting back at me? Naive. Childish + petty. You're a guy. Okay, I changed my mind. You are a guy/girl. I gave you the beneficial of doubt.
It's not the first day you know me. So why do you have to say I'm rough when everyone knows it? What's your point? Does it, in any case makes you more superior? If it does, you're a sad case. Really sad. In fact, pathetic. I rank you the same level as Christopher.
BUT. You should never call me a bitch without much thinking.
In case I make a mistake about bitch being someone who is rough, I shall check the dictionary again.
Meanings of bitch :
1.) The female of the dog or some other carnivorous mammals.
2.) A immoral woman
3.) A malicious, spiteful, or domineering woman -- sometimes used as a generalized term of abuse.
I don't see any rough meanings here. So your definition of a bitch is wrong. Teeheehee* Sacastic laughter.
In any case, I didn't even wanted to hurl insults your way as I have no problems with you. So what the fuck are you trying to get it? Everyone knows that I'm just playing with Daniel by kidnapping his phone but they know it too, that I will return moments later. It's none of your business to interfere.
To further prove that I didn't hurl insults, I didn't even call you names. You started it. And to the response "You can say people, people cannot say you meh?"
My answer is yes. You can say me. Provided that it's the truth. But by calling me a bitch, you have pushed your limits too far. And you know it is not the first time you called me that. :)
You said I am vulgar and not demure. So unlike the other thousands and hundreds of girls that you've seen. Yeah, you're extremely right. Thousands and hundreds of girls will swallow down their anger and smile at you even when you call them a bitch? Nice try eh? Haha.
You're just shooting yourself in the leg.
Well, at least I look ladylike on the outside. :)