Hi all. You have chanced upon Irene’s private space.
Be very terrified.


The girl who is so lost without you.
Irene aka Xiao Xue
20 years old now!
Pioneer Primary
Stamford Primary
Chung Cheng High Main
Tampines Junior College
<3 06S26
Nanyang Poly

I am

evil nice
SUPER zilian
Totally ROCKS!

My desires

..a gucci wallet
..gucci Envyme perfume
..ds lite
..a gucci bag
..Go overseas
..MONEY! Who doesn’t? Ha!
..Pretty clothes fit for a princess

By My Side

chuan ting
sista ivy
qing hui
wei bin
yue han

Precious days

> Valentine's Day
> 200th post
> Road run tml!
> Woo. Another one?
> Finally. An update?
> So bored.
> The lost photos
> x.x
> Review of year 2006
> My own little quiz

Lost Memories

> November 2005
> December 2005
> January 2006
> February 2006
> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> June 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007
> January 2008
> February 2008
> March 2008
> April 2008
> May 2008
> June 2008
> July 2008
> August 2008
> September 2008
> October 2008
> November 2008
> December 2008
> January 2009
> February 2009
> March 2009
> April 2009
> May 2009
> June 2009
> August 2009
> September 2009
> October 2009
> November 2009
> December 2009
> January 2010
> February 2010
> March 2010
> May 2010
> June 2010
> July 2010
> August 2010
> September 2010
> December 2010
> January 2011
> February 2011

Mr/Miss Chatterbox HERE!!!

Thanks To

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Thanks: Blogskins*

Chinese New Year!
Friday, February 16, 2007

In my past entry, I mentioned that I changed spects didn't I? Hahaha. In case you didn't take a good look at it.... Here it is:

It actually consists of 3 colours!! White, pink and a hint of purple. Others say it resembles agar agar. Hahaha. Whatever it is, I think it looks cute.

Nice right? =/ Hahaha. Took this along the way to Kwan Yee's house. Cos I was waiting at the MRT station. I'm not a zilian kwang pls. I'm just bored. Hah!

And with other people too!!! People like.... my darling.

Who else could it be? <3

Loves her.

Annnnnnnnnnd... it seems like I always catch a drift or two during lessons. Cannot help it lah! School is boring!!!

Somehow, I think that my pair of hands look like clam shells in this foto. Haahaha! This position isn't very comfy to sleep. Soooo..

I did this. Hahaha.

Oh oh!!! I also bought a new watch recently. It's a super duper duper cute watch. Actually was supposed to buy clothes on that day but ended up buying the watch instead.

Cute hor?

Heh!! Okok... I shouldn't divert too much of my attention away. Isn't my title supposed to be Chinese new year? Hahahaha.

Yupppp.. So how did you guys spend your chinese new year eve eve? Eve eve cos it's the eve of chinese new year eve. I know it sounds weird. But I spend my chinese new year eve eve in TPJC!

Shocking cos I actually thought of ponning school and go to my secondary school to see teachers, classmates etc. But I still came due to.. 40% new school rules, 20% my friends, 20% lazy to go cchs and 20% cos I want to see how TPJC celebrates cny!

But I don't like the idea of having lessons on cny. Isn't it supposed to be a festive season? So shudn't have lessons!! Hahaha. I remember in cchs, we still get to wear home clothes on this special day too.

Nonetheless, the celebrations!! We headed towards the air-conditioned hall cos the afternoon is like.. so hot. There ain't many people there yet. Sooo.. we took photos.

HAH! Just kidding. I'm not a les.


The programmes started off with Chinese Orchestra playing 3 pieces followed by some dance, singing, dancing, yoyo performance and finally drama. Really get people into mood.

However, in the middle section, I got quite tired and almost wanted to sleep. But Michelle saves the day by giving me one strawberry lollipop!

My lolly and hers.

So happy! Just like a kid. Erhem. I'm mature.

Alsoooooo, the highlight of the performance (at least for our class) is Joyce and Fyonne singing!

They can sing really well I tell you. :)

After the performance, Chot and I went out with the girls which consists of Lily, Saba, Edel, Amina, Michtham, Audrey and Huiting to have lunch at KFC! I really really like KFC. I have no idea why. But it rocks much much more than MAcDonalds. Oops. Later michelle kills me. But other fast food restaurants ain't too bad. Just don't like long john silver though. Dunno why eh. Hahaha!

Me and Saba in KFC!

And the kental funny thing is Amina is smiling to herself all the wayyyyyyy. So I captured a sneak shot of her!


This new year, seems like alot of people went overseas. Actually not alot. Only a few. ChuanTing went to Bali with her family whereas Dixon went to Genting. I think it's gonna be fun for them! Haha. But when ChuanTing comes back, she's gonna become like a roasted pig. Cos it's now blazing in Bali. But I'm gonna miss them! And rmb to bring back present for your dearest irene! HA!

Shall end off this entries with pictures of me again!!! =D

Took this on New Year day itself when I just woke up. Hahaha. I'm just testing my camera.

Shit man. I think I look like a monkey in this foto. :)

And my hair is this messy when I'm still lazing on the bed. Aha!

Hahaha! Alrighty... XD

Also, guess wad? I found your relative online! :P

A rather cute one. Don't you think that the pic in the foto kinda resembles you? Hahahah. Okay lar. At least it's cute. Shall stop crapping already.

Just wanna wish everyone a HAPPY PIG YEAR! Oink oink. =D

-Sign Off @ 4:49 PM :)