Finally, Econs and maths are down. Physics and Chemistry are left with paper 1 and physic's tomorrow! As for the results of the exams, I will only say... Even if it isn't good or what we expected..
My Chemistry is like -__________-" I think abit hopeless although I still will hope for the best? Cos like alot alot alot don't know how to do or unsure of what to do. What to do? Chemistry is like together with Econs can? So of course, I will focus more on econs as usual cos econs like need to memorise and study alot of things.
I used to think that one day before can study but then.. not in JC? Hahah! Econs you use one day I think can only study finish marco part 1 only (and that doesn't include memorising). So like, I focused quite abit for econs and kinda neglected Chemistry cos I partially don't feel like it. Chemistry is so stressful :( Chemistry I will conquer you. Soon soon.
Physics is hard although I attempted all. I always feel a sense of insecurity whenever I leave a question blank. Filling it with something (even rubbish) is also better than leaving it blank. At least that's what I think. Hahahahaaha.
Plus plus.. I hope I will do well for econs lah. If not, will be very disappointing lor. Like you study study study, then no results. But if don't do well, also send out another indication that maybe the study method is wrong?
Also, now I think of it, having unexpected bad result may have a positive impact in the future. Cos like... OMG! Must really study for this subject then next time will do well liao? Hahahah!
Maths is..................
Dunno how to say leh. Parts of it cannot do but others okay? So I will just leave it at that. Pray for the best. I did study!
Yeah, so it's econs and maths are down. Left with physics tomorrow but I don't feel like revising already. Cos all multiple choice. I may get 0.25 chance of obtaining the correct ans even if I don't know the answer! Isn't that like positive thinking? Hahahah..
Here's a picture of me to show that I am still alive.Still as cute as ever.Hold on tight and keep moving forward! (: