I didn't go to school on Wednesday cos.... sick *cough* sick. Cosssssss... Don't have my beloved squid. :( :( :( The ice cream also soft soft one.. Not solid those kind. Don't like! I think Bugis/Orchard/Tampines one better. Haven't try others one though. Hahah! We also went to watch Rush Hour 3 - which is funny nonetheless but abit short? Had the urge to go to the toilet after the movie and soooooo.. We went in one of the hotel's washroom! Damn exciting. The final photo! It's like one day before National Day and we can already feel the excitement near the bay... p.s If you notice well enough, our dresscode was blue that day so as to stand out from the crowds of red. (:
But very funny lah... Sick still can go eat Seoul Garden. Dunno why suddenly got the urge to eat so I phoned May, Michelle, Yuling, Dixon and ChuanTing. AND it's so coincident that they didn't turn up for school for god knows what reasons anddddd... the best thing is they got craving for seoul garden too!
And so we went... TO EAT! I ate alot alot alot of meat and some other random stuffs. Cannot remember though. Cos I was sick for last week TOO and didn't really have much appetite relative to last time lor and I feel that the seoul garden at Marina square a bit not up to standard though. =X
The design was kinda those chinese orientated wood kinda but very elegant.
Camwhored and do alot of stupid stuffs inside. BUT DAMN FUN CAN?
Poor dixon had to wait for a bit outside.