See the nuffnang ad beside my scrollbar? Click click click on it. Do me a favour yeah. Anyway, you will get to see a trailor on the new narnia movie! Darn I haven't watch it yet cos' this season there is just too many movies to catch already. Because we always come out with some crazey idea to brighten up the boring lesson.
Notice that I have already watched 3. Omgwtfbbq. I am wasting my money on movies so much. Okay, I didn't exactly waste any money cos my nice bf actually treated me to them. Hohoho. But.... liddat where did my money go? :C
Like I don't know where the hell I spend my money!! A moment it is filled with cash and the very next, it is ALL GONE.....
Does this happen to you guys? I think maybe it' cos of my cabbing habit since I have been late to school a few times and resorted to cabbing.Digressing, my friend and I were talking about cabbing and then a slightly
older friend(SOF in short) was like, "What is cabbing?"
We were like: ?!?!?!?!! Don't you know what is cabbing?
SOF: No?
Us: Means we are going to cab!!!!!1111
SOF: Walao first time hear people say cabbing. *in disbelief and proceed to
ask another SOF if the other SOF knows what is cabbing and the other
SOF says no too*
LOL. Funny or not you tell me. Or...... maybe only we invented this term? But I think not lor. It's soooo common. Maybe it's generation gap. Hahahaha. Oops.
Today's school is slightly more fun cos I went for 3 hours only. IF ONLY THIS HAPPENS IN JC, I WILL BE OVER THE MOON.
But despite it being so short, I we managed to have fun!!!!!!!!11111111
Help her dig nose seh!
Aqilah please don't kill me. I bet you enjoyed the process tooooooo. XD
Oh yeah, don't forget to click on the nuffnang ad before you press the x button! :D :D :D