Hi all. You have chanced upon Irene’s private space.
Be very terrified.


The girl who is so lost without you.
Irene aka Xiao Xue
20 years old now!
Pioneer Primary
Stamford Primary
Chung Cheng High Main
Tampines Junior College
<3 06S26
Nanyang Poly

I am

evil nice
SUPER zilian
Totally ROCKS!

My desires

..a gucci wallet
..gucci Envyme perfume
..ds lite
..a gucci bag
..Go overseas
..MONEY! Who doesn’t? Ha!
..Pretty clothes fit for a princess

By My Side

chuan ting
sista ivy
qing hui
wei bin
yue han

Precious days

> Last of genting
> Halloween's tomorrowwww!
> Continued from part I genting!
> Timo's birthday (Super belated post!)
> High School Musical 3!
> Intermission
> Genting trip
> Life's good...
> Irene goes on a trip!
> Moshi moshi

Lost Memories

> November 2005
> December 2005
> January 2006
> February 2006
> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> June 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007
> January 2008
> February 2008
> March 2008
> April 2008
> May 2008
> June 2008
> July 2008
> August 2008
> September 2008
> October 2008
> November 2008
> December 2008
> January 2009
> February 2009
> March 2009
> April 2009
> May 2009
> June 2009
> August 2009
> September 2009
> October 2009
> November 2009
> December 2009
> January 2010
> February 2010
> March 2010
> May 2010
> June 2010
> July 2010
> August 2010
> September 2010
> December 2010
> January 2011
> February 2011

Mr/Miss Chatterbox HERE!!!

Thanks To

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Thanks: Blogskins*

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I have never been to a proper halloween celebration before cos Singapore don't really celebrate it sadly. I think it is so fun for the ang mohs to celebrate it lor. Like dressing up ghost-ily and then say, "trick or treat" in a kiddish sound (for young kids duh), it would be so cute luh.

This year, I have decided to dress up for halloween, very last minute though. I had absolutely no idea what to wear lor. I went to toyrus and I think the only thing that is nice is probably the cat set - which I bought for Hwee min. :D

So, I went around the net and finally found this piece from ebay - yeah ebay! I finally buy something from there after being a member for 3243543890 days. Hahahaa. It was so pink, so cute and so irresistable that I couldn't find an excuse not to get it. Yeah, bimbo, but whatever. I don't give a damn as long as it looks nice. =]

The price was very reasonable, in fact, quite cheap compared to those who especially buy their costume at a price more than $50. *sweats*

So anyway, I shall cut short the suspense. I wore a pink nurse costume!!!!!111 And head over to zouk with Hwee min babe (omg I called you babe! Happy not? Babe tan).
However, nurses were quite common that night as it is within the top 10 popular halloween costume butttttttttttt...

A PINK nurse ain't common lor. I didn't see any pink ones coming by, at least not in my view. Thank goodness. I was glad that I didn't hastily just buy the devil set from toyrus lor! Will look like 100000000 people inside.

On the cab to zouk!

Catwoman and pink nurse! :D

I set this pic as my display pic. I think both of us looks very nice in this.

& we met up with Timo there!

We almost couldn't recognise him lor! He looks so different with the wig on and his eyeliner and also, it's because he wore a pair of sunglasses that looks like the lao fu zi's one. Except it's tinted. LOL!

Waliew, how to recognise like that? Hahaahahaha.

Kissing kitten, first time seeing right? Hahahha.

I drew her nose and whiskers and spots for her!!!!!!111 Although the spots are not very symmetrical, but where got real cats spots symmetrical one?!
Hehe, so say its nice okay? Be nice. :D

I was deciding whether I should let down my hair as per normal or tie up my hair. In the end, I decided to tie up my hair cos it looks neater (nurse should be tidy and neat right?) and also, I was glad I made that decision because I was melting outside zouk. The queue was horrendrous and the weather ain't helping. Damn super super long.

It was so intriguing to see other people's outfit lor! There were men who wore women clothes and zombies that look scary enough that you thought you only saw them in your dreams and so much more!

The crowd.

Me and Hweemin.

I know my skirt is short but then I had the decency to wear my NF shorts inside. Otherwise,imagine dance halfway you realised your dress is all the way up to your waist and everyone is looking at you. LOL will be so paiseh luh! But I think if I never wear the white tube + shorts inside will surely look slutty lor. But since it's halloween, nobody can say anything for those who chose to dress up like a slut. Because it's halloween afterall.

The lovely deco that were hanging on the ceilings. Nice hor? Looks like alot of effort! I like.

In the toilet with Thai girls. :D

Leopard? + a harmless cat. Hahahahaha.

I keep getting attracted by the cobwebs she drew which is leading to......... erm you know. Hahahahaha.

Our whole outfit!

And guess who we saw when we came out of the toilet??????

OMGGG IT'S THE EVER-SO-CUTE GINGERBREADMAN. Everyone was trying to have a piece of him! Just like in the story book. Hahahaha!

Scary zombies that tried to murder us. =.="

... your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Us with your boyfriend!

My only sitting down pic of the day. I finally use my white boots after so long lor! Been sitting in the shoe box for so damn long. :D

& I met up with Peggy and June.

Peggy: Police woman
June: Queen bee
xia0xue: Nurse

With Hard Gay. OMFG. Hahahaahaha.
He really did the Hard Gay actions lor!

We went around and took lots of pics with people with interesting costumes....

Scarecrow, bee, greek goddness, policewoman, skeleton, nurse.

Love the big hair with the bone in it!

Bow to the king!

Very scary hor? But nice. I think the next halloween I'm gonna be scary looking. So much so that even cab drivers won't fetch me lor! Hahahaha.

saw the death god from death note! LOL-able.

Vampire girl I suppose.

See... I met my colleague there! Looks abit like cindi wang hor?

And also met the doctor! HAHAHA.

Peggy and I!

With june.

Mr. USA...

Also, met some TPJCians there. Including my bestie luh (Become hardcore clubber liao!)

Charlene dressed in a sexy kimono.

Ang chuan ting!

Next up are all the more scary ones.

Grim reaper!

Jungle guard?

White masked guys. Okay, not very scary luh. They managed to find out my account in facebook lor through this photo. Lol.

Me and bloody doctor who looks more like a patient instead!

Grim reaper no. 2!

Eeeeeeeek! Scary bouncer lor him. So damn fierce to the crowd that day. Hahahaha.

I also met Winnie, who was a...

Cute sailor girl.

We danced till like 3+am that day with all the people dressed up in weird costumes. It feels weird seeing a skeleton dancing next to you those type of feeling ya know? But was fun, fun and more fun!!!!!

I was glad I went for it. How could one miss out so much fun? Hehe.

Happy belated Halloween. Hope this doesn't come too late. Muahahahahahaha!

-Sign Off @ 4:19 AM :)