Omgwtfbbq, I know I am supposed to blog for the longest time already and I haven't and I don't have any good excuse to give and so I am here to blog again and so don't be angry already okay? -______-"
I have been so busy that I hardly have time to go out and enjoy lor. Everyday I stayed till 6+ AM! And fall asleep slightly after that only to wake up at 3-4pm. I should really keep that in mind that my school is reopening in about 2 more days time?
Die. I am officially a nocturnal animal. I have to revert back to my usual time zone but I guess it is not happening any time soon. Maybe its time to sleep. It is 6.42am right now.
The reason that I haven't blog about any of my trips is because the photos are taking forever to reach me. As much as I want to contain the excitement, I hope it is not dying yet. Because it is simply so fun everyday (other than spending my hardearn cash!) that I wished I am back in bangkok. But I am not so I should get over it.
Okay, I think I am mumbling right now because I ain't thinking properly anymore. My medulla olongata is shutting off by itself. So here, tata! I will try to get the photos asap. I know you can't wait. So do I. :)
Here's a few pictures of myself with my 2.0 megapixel webcam. Fucking act cute I know, but at least I'm STILL 19. 2 more month and no more. :(
I wanna stay 18 forever!