Hi all. You have chanced upon Irene’s private space.
Be very terrified.


The girl who is so lost without you.
Irene aka Xiao Xue
20 years old now!
Pioneer Primary
Stamford Primary
Chung Cheng High Main
Tampines Junior College
<3 06S26
Nanyang Poly

I am

evil nice
SUPER zilian
Totally ROCKS!

My desires

..a gucci wallet
..gucci Envyme perfume
..ds lite
..a gucci bag
..Go overseas
..MONEY! Who doesn’t? Ha!
..Pretty clothes fit for a princess

By My Side

chuan ting
sista ivy
qing hui
wei bin
yue han

Precious days

> hey, right now fyonne (my darling) is on my mind.....
> this entry is dedicated to ANG CHUAN TINGi swear i...
> Oh man!
> Life is still good
> Thank you, my friends.
> My bestest buddies...
> I'm hurt.
> Some happy stuffs to get on with life.
> Studies is certainly important!

Lost Memories

> November 2005
> December 2005
> January 2006
> February 2006
> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> June 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007
> January 2008
> February 2008
> March 2008
> April 2008
> May 2008
> June 2008
> July 2008
> August 2008
> September 2008
> October 2008
> November 2008
> December 2008
> January 2009
> February 2009
> March 2009
> April 2009
> May 2009
> June 2009
> August 2009
> September 2009
> October 2009
> November 2009
> December 2009
> January 2010
> February 2010
> March 2010
> May 2010
> June 2010
> July 2010
> August 2010
> September 2010
> December 2010
> January 2011
> February 2011

Mr/Miss Chatterbox HERE!!!

Thanks To

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Thanks: Blogskins*

TPJC carnival day!
Saturday, April 22, 2006

Hoho! Finally a day which I'm quite happy about every single thing. (Although I feel quite abit of stress)

Cos today is TPJC carnival day!!! It's so cool lah. At first, I thought it will be quite dumb coz don't need to sell tickets one. Everything is FOC. Woohoo! Long live TPJC. Hahahaha! Coz finally, we don't have to sell compulsory tickets and force our friends to buy them.

I meet Chuan Ting at around 10 plus at tampines mac to eat my breakfast. We ordered hotcakes meal. coz I dun wan to eat in school Then, we took bus to school after that. Met the rest in the canteen. I'm so very surprised that Leon and Benji came. *pleasantly surprised* :) But they didn't stick around with us for long but I'm still glad that they did come coz super long never see them already.

Chuan Ting and me were supposed to stay at the entrance of the front gate(near the security guard there) to give out flyers. So dumb lor! But luckily, everyone helped to give out the flyers to every passerby they see so it's like we finished it super fast. Hence, we went to all the game booths to play.

One of the more memorable ones are the kbox booth and the huanted house. The kbox booth is not bad lar. But the time slot is super short. We only sing 3 songs. Hahaha!

The haunted house was quite scary seriously. Coz I can't bloodily see. We entered through the entrance and I was the first to go in coz they say I'm the most bold. I went in, saw a guy sitting at the corner and roll a head to my legs area. I actually find it quite dumb! LOL. Then the people behind screamed. Hahaha. We were greeted by the "ghosts" with blood on their faces. They look scary. But not scary enough to scare me. Hoho! Then, we are supposed to like watch a video(quite waste time.. coz i seen those parts of the movie before.. so not scary..). The "ghost" came and sit beside me lor. So $#%$@. I only scared that she'll hug me suddenly. Lol.

Then, it was the solo walk. The "ghost" came and pull me away from the others lor. So I no choice. I started walking up the stairs. Then halfway, someone grab my legs. Grr! Irritating lar. But I didn't scream at this part. :)

As I walk up, got another "ghost" sit at the staircase there den she scream at me. So I scream at her ear back. Teeheehee.

It was super dark there lar. But I still muster up my courage and continue walking although I'm scared of falling down. I think I saw them rolling another head near my leg area and someone actually crawled on the grd? That's what I saw at least. Then, a masked guy came and haunted me. LOL! Come super near me lar, then force me to a door. So he opened the door and something swung out and hit me.

Then, got 2 creatures inside like blocking the way. I wanted to walk in. So I just say to them, "Don't molest me. Don't molest me." LOL man. Then, I was about to walk in when the masked man pulled me out of the door. -____-"

Finally, a girl with super long hair was combing her hair at the stairway. I think I walked down too fast for her to have any reaction. Heh heh! Coz appearently, she didn't come near me. =D

That's all for the haunted house. Not bad lar. At least I screamed quite a few times and was shaking after I came out. But the rest all went in pairs. Coz they rather die than go alone. Only I am sabotaged to go first. =(


Then, after the carnival thingy, I went to TM with fyonne to deposit my money. Then, since we're there, we just went ard for window shopping and then take neos. =D My favorite.

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That's our shoes. Cool right? =D

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We love each other!

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Actually, Fyonne is supposed to do the kissing expression too! But she pangseh halfway. >:(

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Not bad hor? I noe I noe. Spelling error. Haha! Should be surrounds*

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Alrighty. I love today. <3

-Sign Off @ 11:47 PM :)