Phew. Now that econs and physics aren't a great concern(for exams,that is), I will blog again! :D
Photographs! I have plenty of them which includes the dragonboat trip, in class and our class outing and more to come! Okay. This is the first time I tried to upload the photographs using blogger instead of photobucket. I think it's so much easier. Haha. Save my trouble. :D
Dragonboating trip
Odac rocks! Cos we always get to sit on coaches. Hee hee. And we get to take stupid photos on the way.
Even the journey in the coach is fun with them around. Haha!
The five of us who were from 06S26 excluding Amina who was sitting on the other side. So she's not included in the photo.
Chuan Ting and me. That's my hand btw. Hahaha.
We got the same shoes! We got the same shoes! We got the same shoes! Okay okay. Don't mind me. It's cos other than Chuan Ting and me, May got the SAME shoes on the SAME day in the SAME shop as us. And we don't know anything about it until we wore it! So interesting huh?
I'm just acting spastic. *Note:acting(Unlike Chuan Ting's talent)*
Look how I'm not lying. Hahahaha.
I guessed that's all for now. :)