I cut my hair yesterday at STORM with Michelle. The others were there to watch though. Hahaha. The lady went to straighten my hair before she cut it for me. And that shocked May and Chot. LOL! But it's only temporary man. After I went home and washed my hair, it turns curly again. I think not much difference but it's that I feel that it's thinned by alot. Hahaha! I like. :)) Gotta go now. Bye peeps.
And we were late for PE so we didn't turn up. Bah! And we had to go to see ms goh during our break. Must feel remorseful man. Hahahaha.
I'm a good student okay? I don't pon lessons. Hmm yeah. :)
Went to TM after school with Iyliana and Chot. KFC!! At first wanna eat pizza hut one but Iyliana don't really want so we switched to KFC. TM is getting boring Hahaha.
But nonetheless, I bought shoes!Pretty right? Just like ballet shoes. :)) Found this in cs with chot. I realised I like metallic colours like silver and gold too AND I got this for a grand price of $19.90. So hai hao bahs since I'm not a shoppaholic. And it's like one of the first shoes I really buy myself one.
Cos I always kop my sis' ones.