I haven't been blogging for quite a while if you all have realised. I guessed I just don't have a blogging sensation. Hahaha!
Must be inspired to blog one you know? If not, later the entry confirm very boring one. Like... "Today I went to school. I did nothing except stoning throughout the lessons while facing teachers who never seems to be ending their speech."
Eh.. I remembered a joke that Aloysious told us when we went to eat KFC together after cleaning the odac room. I shall talk about how we clean the room later. But first, the joke. It goes like this...
Qns: "Why is the Indian always talking non stop?"
Ans:"Because they left their full stop on their forehead!"
Hmm. Okay, I don't think this is so much of a racist joke but an intelligent one. Yeah, yeah, whatever. For those who can't take humour, please press the [x] at the right corner of your internet explorer. I can't be bothered arguing to idiots. Hahaha.
Maybe the teachers in the school left their full stop on their forehead too. LOL! We should check it out man. Okok, I know it's lame.
About the past week, I had many many things to talk about. Like.. Cleaning of Odac room, 06S26 mini class outing and stayover at Chot's house. It was fun. Seriously. Hahahaha! I think I'm possibly the only one who enjoys life that much in a JC. =.="
Shall upload and talk more about them in the next entry. Cos I am a busy person. (Oiii! Don't I look like one?)
Hahahaha. Okay larh. I admit I'm just lazy. Bye!