Last but not least....... Tomorrow's maths class test! And I havent study yet. Oh mannnnnnnn.. guess I gonna rush. If not, I may end up with shitty grades again! >.<" Bye for now! I love my new skin! Check out the pink taggy too! They are so pretty.
Yay!! I just changed my blogskin again. Been a long long long time yeah? This is due to Fyonne who kept bugging me that I havent been changing my blogskin. But I still love you darling. Cos I loved the previous anime one alot alot alot. Hah!
But this blogskin is so prettily pink. Don't you all think? And feels so princess-ily too. xD
JUST like ME.
Haha! Finished physic faculty test today. Hmmm.. Should just say that it's okay lor. Think can pass? :)
Some other photographs that I took of myself. Simply irresistable =x I think this photo looks ultra cool. Cos it's kinda black and white. I liked this picture. But some says look like ghost. Oh wells. Hah!
Just like this blog! Loves.
Me and my bro. Look alike? :)
Just like me.