I am blogging at an unearthly hour of 1.30am! Simply cos I slept the moment I reached home. Papers I have conquered so far.
- GP compo & compre (still ok?)
- Chemistry paper 3 (err.. confirm better than commontest! =D)
- Econs paper 1 (eh.. dunno how the result will churn out though. =/)
- Maths paper 1 (die. I am so freaking blind! Missed out part of one question. =S)
- Physics paper 2 (also another slaughter paper?)
WOHOO! Although cannot guarantee it with results? But it serves as a lesson lor. What's over is over. Just keep moving forward? Let's do a checklist here... I'm left with:
- Chemistry paper 1 & 2
- Econs paper 2
- Maths paper 2
- Physics paper 1
Sighhhhh. Why still so long! I'm very worried for my econs and maths this time. Cos econs need to memorise alotttttttttttttttttttttttt... and my sis' birthday have to be on the day JUST before my econs paper!!
Chenkai sent me something interesting the other day that can create a picture using many other pictures! (:
It's freaking cool and it's called mosaic or something. Here are some examples: MYSELF. Hohohohoho~! For those who are like, deprived of me.
That is, for everyone!(: (: (: Me and him. He created this with all the photos he has of me. So SWEET right? Hah!
Happy 4th months love. LOL! Random.
Andddddd... not forgetting some of the most important people in my life. left to right: yuling, FATchuanting, myself (duh! VVVIP okie?), michelle, may and dixon! (: (: (:
That's about it. I think I should go and study more if I have the energy to type this out. OR I should just pig the rest of the night away. Cya guyssssss...
Maybe the next update will only be when I feel like it or if the prelims are overrrrr!