I just finished the horrendrous 3-tests-at-one-go week.
But the very next week, I will still have 2 other more test + 1 presentation on some pop culture. If I am not wrong, it is gonna be the 'hiphop' culture. Personally, I don't find hiphop culture super cool with the exception of movies with dance moves like "Step up 2".
Why you ask??? Cos... nothing can beat dancing and moving in a neat sequence under the rain. Max sexiness man. Is this cool or is this cool?
I think for guys, the type of dressing for hiphop - funky cap, oversized hoodie, baggy jeans and sneakers are quite cool but for girls, I don't really like it personally.
Even though girls can be cool (if they want to) , I think adopting a sassy, sexy, cute, pretty or glam fashion sense rules over looking hip-hoppish. Again, personal preference. :D
Been hanging out with some of the people here. :D :D :DCheck out the one grinning ear to ear behind us. LOL. XD
Lovely people I've met. :]
Sigh. I just had lunch & I feel sleepy all over again. I'm feeling lazeyyyyyyyyyy and frustrated at something(s).
The more I think about it, the more angry I get. So what for right????
Gah. I am *SO* pissed off.