I'm fucking bored. I know you are too. And I thought I would have been better off surfing through blogs and stuffs than to write my very own.
Even though I got all the photos of my Bali trip olready, I'm feeling very lethargic to write about it. Hais! Why am I so lazy.
Dearest Patrik came to the airport to fetch me on the date of my return. I told him I will be out at 7 30pm but in the end, I came out at 9pm. And through some miscommunications, I didn't phone him cos I thought he will phone me but I didn't receive any. Or at least I didn't know. So he showed me a very very black face. :(
To my defense I told him that I always waited for him for 1 hour plus, sometimes even 2 hrs and he say at least he got tell me when he is coming. So unfair, I never even show him face this black before. !@#!@$%#@
But he still got me something...3 pink roses! Also my favourite bouquet thus far cos it's so prettily packaged.
He finally gave me pink roses in a pink bouquet. Hahaha.
If only his face wasn't so black, I would have appreciated the flower a little more.
& lookie, you can spot my multi hearts shorts in this pic!! Also my favourite shorts right now. I bought it from Bali, $2 each but they're super comfy. :D
I'm so glad I bought like, 5 of them! In different designs of course. Hehe.Die die.
Must camwhore with the flowers! :]
They are almost blooming too and I totally dig blooming flowers. I think it's alot nicer than those closed ones. Who else agrees with me?
And the next day, I went out with Fronda to Town for a mini shopping trip. Ended up I bought more things than her.
I bought:
Out of this, only the 2 shirts, earring and make up pouch is mine lor. So ke lian right. :'(
I'm like buying less and less stuffs for myself already. Hahaha.
Oh oh, and I curled the nicest hair I think I curled on that day as well!!!
Took these while waiting for Fronda to come. -________-"Camwhoring with the earring.
I think it's pretty sweet. It says Lamour.
Okay luh, I think I got nothing much to blog about. So here are all the camwhored photos... In the toilet.
I really liked how the hair turned out to be. Looks very jap. I mean, just cover the face if you wished luh.
Btw, I think I'm spending a bomb on my birthday. Will be coming up with the guest list when the date approaches. I calculated and it's going to be enough to buy myself 3 gucci bags. Fml. But hopefully it'll be awesome. I think I should go on a shopping ban soon! Since today I got myself a tunic dress and a bag when I don't intend to shop. At all. Lol.