As the title suggests, I had great fun yesterday. We walked around Orchard for a while then Michelle had to go home already cos she had to have dinner with her family. So left May and me. I decided to buy the smelly Chuan Ting her birthday present. Hence, May accompanied me to choose what to buy for her. :D We walked from somerset to orchard and from orchard to plaza singapura. Shiok. LOL. May bought cards along the way. So we ended up in MacDonald eating and playing cards at the same time. At the start, I keep winning. Then, suddenly May's luck came. o.O And she keep winning in a row up to four times when I would break the luck. So I didn't win in the row from then onwards until the time we said how much you wanna bet for the next game. And she say $1000. In actual fact, we are like imagining we are in the casino playing the game. Then guess wad? I won!!! So later, I say I wanna bet $10,000. Then, she as the banker this time, must call her boss then bring me to the VIP room. Super funny. We laughed as she said that. And in the end, I won again. That made me a very rich person that day. I got $11,000 from her. LOL. And we realised, after all the bullshitting and gossiping and laughing and talking, time really fly past fast. It was 10:30pm already and we are still inside the MacDonald. Damn funny lar. So we finally left for home after that. Happy happy day. Now I only have to worry about my group stuffs for LTC and the stuffs I had to bring for LTC. Hope that it would be fun AND god bless me. LOL. :))
Actually, I have no plans yesterday when I went to school. But then, during the maths tutorial, May and Michelle, who were sitting beside me asked me whether I want to watch Da Vinci code.
Then I was like,"Huh? Why that movie? I heard alot of people say that it's boring cos alot of talking. Why don't we go and watch ghost movies?"
I saw their eyes immediately lit up. Hahaha! So they abolished the Da Vinci code thingy. But when we reached Orchard, we found out that the ghost movies are only feature on 1st june - the nun while the omen is featured on my birthday. Boohoo!
But nonetheless, we watched X-men III!!!! (Although Mr Ong says to watch it as a class but don't know when will that happen. So might as well watch it cos the ticket is cheap todayyyy! 7 dollars instead of the usual 9.50 dollars)
It's a super nice movie. Not to be missed and although I didn't watch the part I and part II, I feel that there's no missing parts. (Other than why Gen died in the first place and their love affairs) The rest are pretty much exciting. I love the part when iceman fight with the fire boy. Super cool and funny. :)) I give the movie a rating of 8/10. Nice!
We went to take neoprint next. Cos it's the first time Michelle hit town with uniform. Hahaha! And the first time I took neoprint with them? Memorable. The machine is ultra cute. Cos you can draw the frame in any shape you want it to be. And the background is supposed to be glittery. I don't know how come will become like this leh. But still nice hor? Hahas.
Oh! And there are bars(those monkey bars type) in the machine. I think I am sua gu cos it's my first time encounter this machine. And may and me are gripping onto it. LOL!
Are we scaring you? Hahaahahaha! I think May's expression is super duper cute lar. Cos it's like she's acting like she's a dinosaur(with her hands) to scare a kid.