Last but not least....... Tomorrow's maths class test! And I havent study yet. Oh mannnnnnnn.. guess I gonna rush. If not, I may end up with shitty grades again! >.<" Bye for now! I love my new skin! Check out the pink taggy too! They are so pretty.
Yay!! I just changed my blogskin again. Been a long long long time yeah? This is due to Fyonne who kept bugging me that I havent been changing my blogskin. But I still love you darling. Cos I loved the previous anime one alot alot alot. Hah!
But this blogskin is so prettily pink. Don't you all think? And feels so princess-ily too. xD
JUST like ME.
Haha! Finished physic faculty test today. Hmmm.. Should just say that it's okay lor. Think can pass? :)
Some other photographs that I took of myself. Simply irresistable =x I think this photo looks ultra cool. Cos it's kinda black and white. I liked this picture. But some says look like ghost. Oh wells. Hah!
Just like this blog! Loves.
Me and my bro. Look alike? :)
Just like me.
p/s if you all get bored, just take tt test! I think I have rather a balanced IQ and EQ! Your EQ is 133
Been very busy. Tomorrow's physics faculty test! Wish me luck.Both also so high. Loves you all.
In my past entry, I mentioned that I changed spects didn't I? Hahaha. In case you didn't take a good look at it.... Here it is: And with other people too!!! People like.... my darling. Annnnnnnnnnd... it seems like I always catch a drift or two during lessons. Cannot help it lah! School is boring!!! Oh oh!!! I also bought a new watch recently. It's a super duper duper cute watch. Actually was supposed to buy clothes on that day but ended up buying the watch instead. Heh!! Okok... I shouldn't divert too much of my attention away. Isn't my title supposed to be Chinese new year? Hahahaha. Yupppp.. So how did you guys spend your chinese new year eve eve? Eve eve cos it's the eve of chinese new year eve. I know it sounds weird. But I spend my chinese new year eve eve in TPJC! Shocking cos I actually thought of ponning school and go to my secondary school to see teachers, classmates etc. But I still came due to.. 40% new school rules, 20% my friends, 20% lazy to go cchs and 20% cos I want to see how TPJC celebrates cny! But I don't like the idea of having lessons on cny. Isn't it supposed to be a festive season? So shudn't have lessons!! Hahaha. I remember in cchs, we still get to wear home clothes on this special day too. Nonetheless, the celebrations!! We headed towards the air-conditioned hall cos the afternoon is like.. so hot. There ain't many people there yet. Sooo.. we took photos. The programmes started off with Chinese Orchestra playing 3 pieces followed by some dance, singing, dancing, yoyo performance and finally drama. Really get people into mood. However, in the middle section, I got quite tired and almost wanted to sleep. But Michelle saves the day by giving me one strawberry lollipop! Alsoooooo, the highlight of the performance (at least for our class) is Joyce and Fyonne singing! And the This new year, seems like alot of people went overseas. Actually not alot. Only a few. ChuanTing went to Bali with her family whereas Dixon went to Genting. I think it's gonna be fun for them! Haha. Shall end off this entries with pictures of me again!!! =D Took this on New Year day itself when I just woke up. Hahaha. I'm just testing my camera. Also, guess wad? I found your relative online! :P Just wanna wish everyone a HAPPY PIG YEAR! Oink oink. =D It actually consists of 3 colours!! White, pink and a hint of purple. Others say it resembles agar agar. Hahaha. Whatever it is, I think it looks cute.
Nice right? =/ Hahaha.
Took this along the way to Kwan Yee's house. Cos I was waiting at the MRT station. I'm not a zilian kwang pls. I'm just bored. Hah!Who else could it be? <3
Loves her.
Somehow, I think that my pair of hands look like clam shells in this foto. Haahaha! This position isn't very comfy to sleep. Soooo..
I did this. Hahaha.
Cute hor?
HAH! Just kidding. I'm not a les.
My lolly and hers.
So happy!
Just like a kid. Erhem. I'm mature.They can sing really well I tell you. :)
After the performance, Chot and I went out with the girls which consists of Lily, Saba, Edel, Amina, Michtham, Audrey and Huiting to have lunch at KFC! I really really like KFC. I have no idea why. But it rocks much much more than MAcDonalds. Oops. Later michelle kills me. But other fast food restaurants ain't too bad. Just don't like long john silver though. Dunno why eh. Hahaha!Me and Saba in KFC!
kental funny thing is Amina is smiling to herself all the wayyyyyyy. So I captured a sneak shot of her! Aha!
But when ChuanTing comes back, she's gonna become like a roasted pig. Cos it's now blazing in Bali. But I'm gonna miss them! And rmb to bring back present for your dearest irene! HA! Shit man. I think I look like a monkey in this foto. :) And my hair is this messy when I'm still lazing on the bed. Aha!
Hahaha! Alrighty... XD
A rather cute one.
Don't you think that the pic in the foto kinda resembles you? Hahahah. Okay lar. At least it's cute. Shall stop crapping already.
Was a very happening day. Haha. Cos love is in the air?
I did quite a bit for this day cos it's also friendship week. (: Went to Kwan Yee's house to bake cookies. It's like my second attempt to bake.. but I still expect it to be nice lah. The first time was secondary 1 - during home econs. Hah! I think it's nice. I tink others think so too.
I had loads of fun looking for ppl and passing them their presents and receiving presents. Felt so loved.
Shall summarise the presents I received..
Chot- Cookies and a badge with a "certified friend of ANGCHUANTING"
Michelle- One cup with my name on it and a lollipop
May- Chocolate with i letter and a letter.
Dixon - A note holder and hersey's chocolate.
Amina-Pingpong ball with my name
Henry- Cookie
Shiya- A cup with chocolates and cookies in it
Aloy- A carat diamond. (carrot with the word "diamond" on it)
Daniel- Two heart shaped chocolates from chocz
May- Addition of sunflower too!
Rumin- Some sweets
My angel- Cookies
and some others.
In total, I got 2 sunflowers and a rose. Super pretty. Especially the sunflower. So touched by May especially. Ai ni! I'm so touched by all of the presents. Really love them loads.
Watched the movie "ghost rider" yesterday too. Was not bad a movie and dine at swensens. (:
Vday was fun cos it's my first time really celebrating it with my beloved buds and loved ones.
Nonetheless, hope that you guys have a very happy Valentine's day and happy friendship week!
iloveyouguys <3
Hais. I am so sad.
Just this sudden urge to write about the class after Daniel blogged. I feel... that our class indeed has no class spirit/unity. It's like a broken jizsaw at the very start. But that doesn't mean we won't be able to piece it together again.
I went for the recent "class outing" on friday after run road. Yes, I know it's disappointing cos some of the people didn't go with us. Whatever their reasons were, it's just like a failure? I don't like the feeling of a segregated class. And to some of the classmates whom I didn't talk to for quite a while. Really missed that type of feeling. M aybe, it's just maybe that we shud widen our hearts and accept other people. "A people without acceptance of other people, and dies is a people without a future". -Edited from "A people without babies, and dies is a people without a future".
Sooooo.. let us plan some real class activities. I don't bloodily care if you choose whether to turn up or not. Cos it's ur choice and obviously your loss. Hahaa! =)
And.... I'm gonna come up with designs for class tee. Obviously with all of you all's help. I guess we wud all have to start from scratch to build up our class spirit? Cos there's obviously none for now.
I don't know if this will succeed or not. But it's never too late to bond! Unless you all rather stick to all your mini cliques and refuses to interact with others. Which is a damn damn damn damn sad case.
Speaking of which, my OG seems to bond rather well. At least the guys. Haha! We went for OG barbeque last last Saturday. It was a success other than the few number of ppl attending the barbeque.
I think the fire is great. The food is not bad and best of all, the people is so so fun.
Our food after many rounds of barbeque-ing.
Shall intro the guys behind the scenes of bbq.....
Nicloas, Rayson, me and Kenny.
Joa-Ee and me.
Yong Kiat and Daniel.
The pretty fire.
And when it got late, the guys got lame too.
They decided to pose like meteor garden.
We played with sparklers. Super pretty. LOVES.
Stayed over at Nicolas' house to play monopoly and then listen to ghost stories. But the FUNNY thing is.. I fell asleep while listening to the ghost stories. Hahahaha!
The guys were really gentlemen. Cos they let ChuanTing and me have the entire bed and they slept at the sofa. So sweet of them.
Went to TM in the afternoon and took neoprints.
I love you guys. I think this is one of the best things that came out of being an OGL.
Guess I shall end this entry by saying that we are all a part of 06S26, whether we like it or not. So let's just make the best out of it. :)
Felt like blogging again! Hahaha. But it's like 12:05am in the morning now. Abit crazy? Considering that tomorrow I still have the TPJC roadrun thingy? I took one discreetly(after asking him duh) and started to place it inside my mouth in an attempt. However, cannot fully cover it okay? Haaha. It is super unglam - as quoted by chuanting. And you cannot swallow the saliva after u place that damn thing into your mouth. So it's like put in.. lick.. take out.. and repeat the procedure. Super tiring. It took me 4 periods to clear it okay? However, I managed to slot it in between my check and my teeth. After many many many de-layering. Yes. I almost died. My cheek skin almost burst and this is after eating it for 2 periods! Also, I changed spects if you all noticed! It's a white framed one. Hmmm... I think it's quite nice. Dunno about you. It costs quite cheap compared to normal prices? I think it is around $108 dollars. Looks blur yet cute. Hahaha! Super funny. *** Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I joined a game called Angel & Mortal. I think it's ultra cool. =] *Wonders who is my angel*
But there is a piece of GOOD news!!!
Maybe I don't need to run cos I may have the chance of being an usher. Road usher, that is. The ones who slack at the turning point giving directions? And I remembered last year they were the ones who gave out ice cream sticks too!
Yayness. Cos for a moment, I was thinking if I am going to run or walk slowly tml and the school had this stupid school rule saying that you have finish the 3km race by 30 minutes by hook or by crook. Crazy can? Hahah.
I think last year me and fyonne were strolling like nobody's business. As in like appreciate our surrounding scenery. We didn't even get the number rank. Zzz! Cos it's like after 500 plus people already. LOL!
I don't have to run.
I don't have to run.
I don't have to run.
I don't have to run.
I don't have to run.
I don't have to run.
I don't have to run.
I don't have to run.
I don't have to run.
On a lighter note, let me update about some of the happenings in my life the past wk!
Wei Jin bought a certain type of new candy all the way back from Canada to school!! But this candy is a little special.
Why issit special you may ask. Cos....
It's GIGANTIC!The bottle cap below happened to the snapper brand bottle. Yes, the bottle cap that contains all the facts. Haha. It's super big I tell you!
Wonder what's wrong with my contacts. Hahaha! Sooo.. till then would then I switch back to contacts.
Another interesting find that Chuan Ting and me came across is the kindergarden look of Benjamin!! YES... it's none other than our PAE 06S23 Benjamin.
Haha. One year and 1 month cannot be considered long but it cannot be considered as a short time as well. Through these 364.25 + 31 = 395.25 days, I think you're a rather nice guy and friend to have. Hahaha! I know I'm being lame. But yeah. I think our PW seriously rock. Video editing is a tough topic. But all of us managed to pull through. Remember the times when the PW grp came to my house to do WR Some other PW pictures... Hahaha. Okay okay, enough of PW. *** Hmmm.. Kek, although you had chose a slightly different route than us, everything will turn out fine in the end. Cos if it's not fine, then it's not the end. :) Be sure to study hard! The same apply to me too. =.=" And you will bound to meet new friends over there but hope that you won't forget us. Must come n visit TPJC often okay? We will miss you. All of us make 06S26 complete.
Decided to blog another entry just for Kek Hwee! Seems like alot of people in the class had already done that. Although my entry came rather late, but it's still what I wanted to convey.
Kek Hwee is.......(that shitty piece of report). Then this guy here is caught surfing pornography websites. Hahahah! Just kidding. He is actually playing game. LOL! But he's the one who is in charge of all the graphs though.
Then, he tried to act shy by covering his face. So shy seh!
Informal. We are a bunch of VE-ers. Super cool name right?
Provided you don't call me bian tai zilian kwang. Hah!