Am seriously tired man. Must be due to the late nights and early morning wakings. Have been sleeping at 2-3 am and waking up at 8 or earlier. But what to do, I learnt that staying at home is much more boring-er thing to do. p/s: Quote of the day: Have you ever sniff any resemblance between blogger queen, Xiaxue and mine due to the difference of a zero in between? Don't make me laugh.
At least, I'm getting paid for doing what I also do at home (which includes msn-ing, surfing net and talking to friends). :D
Even though it's a lowly rate of $6/hr but at least, it's not a job that I have to slog my ass off, for that matter. I love how I can see my love right beside me working too. Tell me, which job can be better than this? Other than modelling.
Yeah, so it's not the monetary value but the person I get to see that matters. Hahahaha. He's the motivation for me to wake up early in the morning just to catch the bus in time.
We knocked off at half day today cos he is going to play soccer with his friends at a nearby cage or something and I went there to see him in action!
But I kept dozing off while watching him play though. It was so darn boring. As in seeing 10 guys chasing after a ball. I rather gave them 1 ball each so that they do not need to risk their lives chasing the only ball in the court.
The weather is so fucking hot too. Make us feel super pissed off cos they are like, sweatings like pigs. Yes, pig sweats. Human perspires. Just like in chinese, only can say pig is fei but human is pang. Although both means the same (fat). Okay, I'm digressing already.
Hahaha. But still, feeling the same happiness in me cos Chenkai is treating me better and better since the last time.
BEST.MOODY.MEDICINE.EVER.CREATED. Totally brightens up my gloomy day yesterday.
Random photo below cos I just received it...I'm still working on my expressions! and that's all folks!!!! (: