Oh wells, life still has to go on isn't it? Whether you like it or not. Some photographer took this for us. A group shot! :] If I am not wrong it's like apa moisa or something. Okay, I give up. I totally forgot the name cos it is such a forgettable place.
Something random no. 1:
I think the bartenders at butter factory are super funny yet idiotic at the same time. Why you say?
Cos... when someone is freaking drunk and requestes for a cup of plain water, what will you do if you're the bartender?
Correct ans: Just give him/her right?
Do you know what the awful guys did to me?
They gave me a glass of white wine instead. *roll eyes*
I drank one mouth and then realisation hit me that *that* is not the typical water I usually drink although I was freaking drunk.
In my angst, I passed the glass over to a certain lucky stranger to finish it up since they played the prank on me. LOL!
Well, at least some lucky soul was happy that day that he got himself a glass of white wine entirely for free!!!111 Just that got abit of my saliva only. Warao. Indirect kiss somemore!
Hahahaha. Ain't them fucking cute? But a tad annoying cos chuanting caught them laughing their ass off after they pulled the prank. :]
Random thing no. 2:
I think I am screwed up. You guys should know by now that my holidays are over! :((((((
I am freaking sad. Cos I was just about to enjoy my holidays when reality just struck me and bring me back to my school days.
& guessed what blur Irene did on her first day of school?
She went to school early all dressed up!
And.... what happens? The tutorial lesson which is supposed to be at 10 10 am was actually elearning!!!!
So being pissed off by myself, I went home instead cos the next lesson is at 1pm. I know I know I could have stayed in school instead and wait till the dreading 1pm.
But I just can't stand staying in school. I don't know why.
Oh man, I could have used up the extra hours for some sleep lah. Man, I am so retarded. :(((((
Okay lah, enough of my complains. I am actually quite glad to come back to school lah.
Especially since I learnt that I didn't fail my worstestestestest subject - A&P (biology). Everyone should give me credit for that man. I am still fucking happy about it. I even got a C which isn't the lowest grades cos there are still D+, D and D- right after. Fyi, D- is still a pass. :DDD
So I love school plus my classmates in class were really nice to me and all. Aqilah, Lina and Michelle also bought me a belated birthday pressie just for me when I know them for like about 3 months only? Ape sehhhh. Super touched.The tee-shirt wrote "VIP" so I take it that either:
Thanks man. I love you guys. Hehehe. :]]
Some overdued photos.
The first time I went clubbing after so so long.
It was one hell of fun - provided that you go with the right people. Otherwise it will turn out errrr.... boring????
But to me, clubbing is still fun lah. I still enjoy it bery much thank you.
Me and Fyonne darling.
With Fronda babe. I think I look weird but hmmm... I quite like the overall pic.
Me and Angchuanting. Funny how we turn out wearing the same colour. LOLS!
It was fun and got to know some new friends as well. So who says clubbing is all about partying away and get wasted? Hahahaha.
Yuling's farewell party.
For those who doesn't know yet, Yuling is gonna go to Australia to further her degree study. *whistle rich kid*
So we decided to throw a farewell party for her by going to the new E!hub to celebrate it.
E!hub isn't very very big but there are a couple of entertainment there so it's still not so bad afterall. Just that it is located at the extreme end of Singapore I guess.
Kinda mafan for me to go since I stay rather in the central area. Hahaha.
But still, just for yuling, I got my lazy ass up and went to E!hub. Honoured eh? Just kidding luhs.
Predictably, we went kboxingggggg! Cos they were having some promotion like $10 nett for their new opening or something. Chuanting and me. Take a look at the pretty pink scarf (It is my bday pressie from Fyonne *mwah Fyonne*) I love it luhs. :D
Cos she saw how I snatched it away from her and make it my own during the clubbing session (points to the first pic with Fyonne where I was wearing the white one --> hers) The star of the day in red. Woohoo!
Dixon trying to take a decent photo of us as a group. See how we make use of the tables to form a stand. LOLOLOLOL.
I love love love this photo. I named it - when the girls get together. :D :D :D
Anyway, the theme of that day is wear black. But chuanting didn't want to feel camouflaged with all the black. So she decided to be special and wear white. -______-" Michelle, also known as karaoke queen, feeling very pleased.
I can't stop looking at the scarf! *love love*
We sang alot alot alot of songs within the short span of 3 hours. We even mini clubbed in the kbox room by playing all the clubbing songs. Awesome fun-ness. Chuanting singing some emo friendship farewell song to yuling. Hahahahahaha.
& after all that kboxing, we went to catch a movie.
Guess what is it?
YOU DON'T MESS WITH ZOHANNNNNNNNN!!!!!!111 *SCREAMS*Quite funny at the start but in the middle, it gets rather boring. So it is not as good as I expected it to be. But whatever, we only paid 6 bucks for the ticket anyway. Hahahaha!
Went for dinner next. At some weird conspicious restaurant. I forgot what the name of that restaurant is but it is situated beside pastamania.
We totally feel disappointed about the service there.
It simply sucks lor.
Firstly, the food takes 500 years to come. Seriously, we waited for like almost 1 hour there lor. Stoning and taking photos. Totally sian diao.
Ice water is not served once we arrived [takes another 500 years to come] and we have to go to the seats by ourselves. Liddat we pay the 10% service charge for what?
May telling us about her encounter I supposed. LOL. Me and Yuling. Still faking a smile while waiting impatiently for the food to come lor. Tsk.
May getting grumpy and impatient too! As the saying goes, hungry people are angry people.
Finally finally, the food that takes 500 years to come finally arrive. I know that there are only two pathetic old cooks in the kitchen but if you know that you can't handle these much of customers, then increase the cooks for goodness sake.
Yuling's carbonara. I would have preferred the one next door - pastamania.
Same for Dixon's aglio oligo.
Still pose and smile although he is feeling damn grumpy inside. About the food portion yada yada. Hahahaha. :X
I had this. As much as it looks presentable, it is as far as you all can see. For a hefty sum of $18 (Okay lah, to be frank quite cheap for steak), it still isn't up to expectations lor.
I asked for medium done and specifically asked that I don't want blood in my meat but still, my plate got all bloody whereas May and Chuanting, who ordered the exact same thing, got tough meat.
When we all ordered the same!!!!!!!111
The only person without complain - Michelle's dish.
Cos how wrong can chicken chop goes? :(((((((
Won't be eating there again. The food takes forever to come + it is not even nice to begin with. I prefer newyorknewyork anytime man. :))
But still, it is the company that counts la. If not for the star of the day who wants to dine here, I will never come here lor. Cos from outside, the food don't look very nice liao. Hahahaha.
It would be lonely living in a new country without knowing anyone there isn't it? So be strong, Yuling. Don't be scared! It will certainly be one hell of an experience. XD
p/s I went swimming with Michelle and Chuanting today. Feels so healthy!
pp/s why you guys who read my blog don't comment one ah? Comments pleaseeeeee. XD