He is taller than me,
fairer than me,
& last but not least,
skinnier than me..............
Come meet my BEST FRIEND guys!!!!!!!11111111
Tadah! Good looking or not? :P
Don't see him like this. He is also very daring one lor. He says he doesn't want to take photo with me only. So he....
ask another girl (Cherie) to take also! Omgwtfbbqdvd. Damn flirt lor.
When I told him that, he ain't happy so he pointed this to me.WHAT-THE-FUCK????? LOL.
Okay la, I admit these are lame attempts of us manipulating the skeleton during our A&P practical. But seriously, damn boring lor. If not for these fun instilled in during the lesson, I will surely die of boredom. You can imagine how much laughter and fun we have making the poor skeleton do all sorts of "stunts".
Yeah, it was one hell lot of fun except the theory part. Headache man. But let's not get to that part yeah? :D :D :D
So conclusion, A&P ain't that bad with my funny classmates around....Supposedly hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil and I don't know why I am the only person who looks clear in this photo. Hahahahahaahahahaha.
p/s Many thanks to those who wished me happy birthday!! You guys made my day. Will be updating on my birthday bash soon. :]