I miss seeing myself in this blog lor. Hahahaha. I am such a self obsessed freak. -.-"
I know I haven't been blogging for like, a week? Geez, but the distance makes the heart grows fonder, no? =X
Have been really x100 busy lor. I wanna date all the pretty babes + handsome dudes (as if I know them. T-T) also cannot!
Haven't camwhore for the longest time already!!!!!111
And my hand is itching for some serious camwhoring sessions but I still have loads of things still ongoing though. Would love to go into details but it is like, darn hard to put them into words. Cos once put into words, the magical feeling will be gone. :(
One happy thing about is, MY HOLIDAYS ARE APPROACHING, slow but steadily!
Chants continuously after NEXT WEEK... NEXT WEEK... NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!111
It is like the one month long session of attachment is finally over. Although the dreadful thing is - must do all the reports and stuffs (which are a pain in the ass). Plus, I hope I am not the only one here who think that going for attachment = gaining some money in the process.
Because, being on attachment for my course is like earning a big fat ZERO cent. Sigh, and then, have to wake up at 7 plus so as to reach there at 8 30. Omfg. But then again, the people there are so nice luh so I don't mind. :D
Lucky for me, the "assignments" that we were supposed to do right, I have completed all. *happy* Cos I thought I would never ever would have completed them all. Given that I am such a slacker and lazy person. LOLOLOL! So be happy for me alrights?
I have been eating lots of good food lor. The only downside is whenever I go eat those good food right, I don't bring my camera along one!!!! Very sian hor? So I shall keep that in mind and bring my camera along next time I am going out for good food. Hehe. You guys will see so much more then just only my face. -.-"
What? It's my blog what. So who else do you expect to see other than ME? Hahaha. Be glad okay?
Sighhhhs, and since I am seriously busy hor, I don't even have time to go Orchard or any other places to shop lors! Thus, have to resort to a more conventional method.....
Shop online lor! Hahahahaha. These are the few pieces I bought! :D :D :D
A chio jumper dress with the inner piece included! Cute hor? I cannot stand how the models always look so good in them that they tempt you to buy it. Hahaha! No choice, too nice must buy.
A white sexy offshoulder dress.
Don't have strawberry, cherry is fine too!
Last but not least,
A sweet grey with pink polka dot dress. Very expected hor? Stupid Hweemin said that she knew I am going to buy that even before I told her.
Guess how much I got these for? It's really at really low prices. :)
But... I miss shopping, anyone? :P
A VERY BIG HELLO to you guys today! I'm in an awesomely good mood now although tomorrow is going to be my attachment date again. Lol.
Speaking of money right, I kept thinking of where did I spend my money on leh. Cos hor, the way I spend money is like water.
There is only exit but no entrance. And...... I lost my POSB card a second time which proves to be a very dumb thing.
I didn't actually "lose" the card the first time.
What happened was that I thought I lost my wallet and I was super despaired about it since my Identity Card, POSB card, ezlink card, library card and all the important things (photos etc) and most importantly, MY HOUSE KEY was attached to it.
Plus, my IC is in it as mentioned above. So, that means the person can anyhow come to my house and also, has access to it. But then, the dumbo me finally realised that it was all along in the bag that I had been carrying. I just didn't check thoroughly enough. -____-"
By then, I have already cancelled the POSB card already. So be it lor (considered that I "lost" it the first time).
But thennnnn, I have to be dumbly lose it a second time.
I was in the midst of transferring some amount and then I was too busied taking a look at the receipt than collecting my card that I simply left the card there. Warao. :(
And hor, just today, I almost lose it again. Heng I checked before I leave the place cos I dropped it on the floor. -_____-"
The funny thing is - Throughout my 4 years of carrying the POSB card, I only started losing it time and again within 1 month period. Must be fucking sway lor.
Sigh. The only consolation is - I only lose the card and not the amount of money inside (other than the $5 for a card replacement though) due to my carelessness.
Suan le lah. I should just treat it as a lesson and like, always check before I leave lor.
Other than that right, I think the only thing I spend on is on school stuffs, food, perhaps entertainment and some shopping(minimal hor).
I reckon that I spend less than $100 for shopping in total for the past 1 month.
But then again, I do online shopping too. Especially stuffs like my contact lens! Where else to get nice contact lens that can last up to 1 year? However, I don't usually use them for 1 year cos' I think my eyes are slightly dry (I think that is a side effect of wearing too much contact lens). So, I wear them for about 3 months then I'll change a new pair.
Tadah! The contact lens that I wore quite a while ago. I didn't have any flaux lashes with me though.
I think these colour contacts really enhance your eyes further so you guys can seriously consider getting them cos they are oh-so-pretty and affordable too! :)
But we cannot wear contact lens like forever right? And... alot of people kept telling me that my white framed spectacle makes me look very kuku.
*Attempts to find a less kuku photo of me in spects but failed miserablely*
I think this is dated errrr... 1 and a half year ago. LOL, I kop-ed it from my old archives so if you go back and look at them, I look like that last time. With not so straight bangs and black hair along with my kuku spects which I thought looked damn cute that time.
Omfg I don't know where I get that idea from last time. Perhaps a change of taste and preference already.
Thus, I got myself a brand new pair of spects AGAIN! :D
This time, it is in a sleek black frame which I really adore. Now I think even if I don't wear contact lens right, I won't feel that weird wearing spects already. Hahaha.
Hence, I kissed goodbye to my $250 - in which the spect frame is already like, 30% off. -__-"
Oh well, for the sake of vainity I shall buy it lah and my mummy cannot complain that I am spending too much cos I am using my own money also. Hoho!
Since today's topic is about money, I also watched "MONEY NOT ENOUGH 2" already. Like finally. I think it is quite touching yet predictable at the same time.
Very typical singaporean movie also. But it is good! Spotted some familiar faces too. Go catch it if you haven't!!!!111
Must support local films mah. Hahaha. :)
And lastly, let me end off this entry with a fucking lame attempt of me trying to create a twin of me....
With my webcam! Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys that I got myself a new glossy white vaio lappy from the pc show a few months back. I love my webcam and of course, my chio lappy!
xia0xue =D
Been so long since I have been so pose-y. LOL. I love love love those boots. It is the sex baby. :D
Recently, I am so tired leh..... and my mum is nagging behind me for the past 10 minutes. Damn WTF.
I feel so irritated lor and I snap quite easily. Why can't they just leave me alone when I am so bloody tired? Fuckfuckfuckfuck. ARRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I just feel like ranting right now. I hate clinicals. Screw the tests. :(
Okay, I will take those back. Actually I don't really hate them but then they make me very very tired.
I used to sleep at 2 to 3 am. However, nowadays (since monday), I have been sleeping when the clock strikes 10pm. Who the hell sleeps at 10pm other than primary school kids? Yet, I am still so fucking tired. Sighhhhhh. Getting so tired without earning a single cent - the feeling is damn wtf. To be frank, I do enjoy parts of it but then I just hate the getting tired part. :(
And the nagging won't stop!!!!!!!111 My patience is running so very short. :( :( :(
Shall end this very short post since 10 o'clock is approaching and my eyelids no longer can stand it already.
Bye peeps! Will update again soons. Loves.
p/s on another note, maybe I will bring my camera along tomorrow and update you people on my attachment. :D
Random photo. Will blog about this at a later date. Or not.
Just when I thought the awful examinations are gone..... there comes clinicals. I don't mind clinicals though cos it is a breakaway from our usual study mode.
But it is so.freaking.shagged!!!!111
I came home at 5 plus and slept my way till 9 plus. Shiok-ness! And yet, I am feeling like going back to that dream world already. Didn't know clinicals are so tiring and the worst part? It is only day ONE.
Omg, someone shoot me please. Seriously lo, I am not the only one feeling this way. Quite a number of people felt it too. Although I think we didn't do much luh. Just standing around observing and helping out at times (since this is my very first clinical). I think I am so lack of sleep already.
I don't really feel the urge to blog lately leh. Quite sian-ed actually since so many things are happening around me and I obviously lacked the will to type every single thing out. I think blogging also meant like eating away the time where you could actually have a life but you need to have a life to blog... so that it will be interesting what.
And some of you out there are still unhappy about my previous previous previous post still leh. Bear a grudge for so long for what? Let it go man - what for being so narrow minded? If tagging that I am ugly makes you happy for a second, then I am ugly lor. Happy now? *roll eyes*
Okay, I'm going off to bed already. I am so damn brain dead to think of anything else to type anymore. I love all of you, even the not so nice ones out there.
My exams are coming to a close soon and I am so f happy.
Speaking of happy, I have got some short jokes to share with you guys!
What is happy's surname?
Ans: Lee. Because happ-ily!
What does happy usually eat?
Ans: Happymeal!
What is happy's favourite tv programme?
Ans: Happy Sunday!
and the list goes on and on and on and round about. I know they are freaking lame but I got nothing else much to blog about. WTF? I am running out of brain juice.
I don't feel the need to explain myself over and over though but I guess I have to. Although I only need to xin zi du ming can already. Like, ermmm I think there is a time where we need not be humble cos as a matter of fact, I don't really talk about the rates/jobs that I get. If you do read my blog carefully, I don't usually blog about my events?
If mentioning that I can earn $50/hr is deemed as boasting/not humble (so as to shut the spammers up), I think others will laugh their heads off lor. Cos there are a large no. of models who are getting a higher rate than me lor. Especially since there are many many many more gorgeous-ier models, some who I happen to know also. Hahaha. Okay enough.
Well, regarding myself, I see myself as above average and pleasant looking? Not those whom you will barf the moment you see him/her. Because if you don't think that you yourself is nice looking, who will? (:
Of course we cannot delude ourselves lah but still, I think I am pleasant looking enough for myself even with my current teeth. I believe I never touch on this before but I might be going to fix it soon. Maybe during my hols. I don't know how/why/when/where but I am going to do something about it. Been considering it for a very long time already. :D
Who would skip the opportunity to look nicer? There is no ugly girls, only lazy girls. Sigh. How I wish that I will look like angelababy (really damn fucking chio and I can't believe such a girl exist. Looks like barbie doll luh!) when I wake up. Yeah, in my dreams.
And hor,
I missed this woman. Haven't seen her for 1 month plus already. Roarrrr.
And my clique kakis and many many many others! Date me out soon okies? Loves.
What is there not to love about school? Unless you are some sad person who gets octrasized, if not I think there is so much so much to love about school.
I see that alot of bloggers don't really like to talk about school cos' it is like, ermmm boring? But I don't think so! I enjoy blogging about school because I think my course is like so fun can. Although the theory part can get me to my dreamland aka lala land almost every other time. :X
First and forthmost, I like my school cos we can anyhow dress up - be it pretty/nice/ugly/sloppy. It is like damn flexible lor. Unlike primary, secondary and junior college (all the same old uniform everyday). You can dress up to be like a rockstar, like a b-i-m-b-o *cough* or like the girl next door.
But I don't really feel like dressing up for school though. Cos hor, the people in my class usually wear their t-shirts and jeans and dressing up = attract alot of attention. Lol. There goes all my pretty clothes. Hahahaha.
& they don't put on make up either. Perhaps only the eyeliner which explains why I only had my eyeliner on. LOL.
It feels awkward when you go into the class late and the lecturer plus your friends start staring at you like you had dirt on your face when you come in dressed nicely. So yeah. :D :D :D
But I do crave attention. Just not too much I guess. Too much and it becomes a hassle already. You get what I mean? Like....A: Eh you going out today ah?
Me: Errrrr... nope! (if I don't intend to go out)
A: Huh then wear until so nice.
Me: *give awkward laughter*
Hahahahaha. I get that like quite a few times lor. So next time just say yeahhhh! Cos' very awkward to say no lor especially since I don't intend to go out. What to do? All my outside clothes are prettyyy. *bhb detected*
But sometimes when I am like freaking late right, I will like totally just rush and wear my pjs to school. LOL!!! That will be the times when I hope I don't bump into anyone else I know except my classmates cos they are obviously, unavoidable.
Aniiiiiway, it has been 2 years since I ever donned any traditional culture clothes cos Tampines Junior College just does not really ask us to celebrate Racial Harmony Day.
So we like, never do anything about it lor.. Unlike last time in Chung Cheng, we every year also celebrate. Warao, I freaking miss it lor. We would even scout like the whole of Little India to get the costumes. :D :D :D
& almost everyone will come in their pretty costumes the very next day.....
So this year, my friends and I decided to dress up for Racial Harmony Day cos our school ask us to!!!11 The aim is to like, get spotted wearing your own traditional costumes. I know the context is "your own" but it will be kuku to be spotted wearing a cheongsam to school lor.
...No? Nonetheless, we borrowed baju from our dearest malay friend.
Me and Michelle wearing similar piece but of different colour. Very nice lor, the clothes.
Presenting the photos that we camwhored that very day!!!!1111
With Aqilah.
And the rest of the girls!
They say I look very gu-niang (lady-like) and especially elegant that day cos I seldom wear skirts that reach my ankle. Although I really like long skirts cos they are oh-so-nice. I already got two such skirts already! *happy happy*
And lastly, a photo of us monkeying around. Very funny bunch of people lor. :]
Also also, I have to say I always love A&P practicals cos it will be like instead of studying, we will be taking photos of the awesome new things that we see in the room. Including myself cos I am so awesome. Erhemmm.
A normal.....
Then a not so normal one..... LOL!!!!!111
See what I mean. Rina, apparently tried to sabotage our class chairperson by putting two trachlea (lungs portion) upside down so that she can evolve to become the next reindeer.
Well done, somemore when the person is caught unaware somemore - talking innocently on the phone. We laughed like mad afterwards once I showed her the photo we took. LOL.
The mini sized skeleton who got caught in the act of touching himself/herself.
Pssssst, and hor, I got something good to show the guys! Must thank me okay??? I think you guys will be interested to see the very next picture because it showcases the
BOOBIES. Yeah, didn't know accumulated fats look like that hor. Quite disgusting leh. But it freaking grows on us and I have got no complains. Hahahaha. In fact, I want more of those fats luhhhh.
On another note, I think I haven't shown you guys the entire class of my course people right? So here they are:
It is called DRT because it consits of DR(diagnostic radiography) and RT(radiation theraphy) so combined together become DRT. Brilliant or not?
Hehe. Try and spot me if you can! Okay luh, I think it is not that hard afterall. :D
I realised I haven't been blogging recently and I am so so so sorry. All because of all the stupid ICAsssss.
Do you know what is ICA? For the benefit of those who does not know, it is something like mid year exams. The worst thing is...... I think I screwed my exams. :(
I haven't been a fan of science since young. I think I fare better for humanities but still, I did my best already and when you know you had done your best, there is nothing to regret eh? Sigh, if only I could have a brain transpant then I can stop trying so hard. Cos a science genius will totally understand the concept the moment they lay their hands on it. I envy those people who have photogenic memory man. I also wantttttttttttttt.
Come to think of it -- who doesn't? *smack self to reality*
Well, everyone has their strengths and flaws. So it is up to ourselves whether we will be contented with what we have or not. :D :D :D
I am happy now cos my exams are almost over. Only left another 2 other module and it will be done and it is gonna be my first ever attachment already.
What? Can't believe that year 1 gt attachment already right? I know but my course is just like that. I will be sent to Singapore General Hospital for the first 2 weeks follow by Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Hohoho.
I hope it will be fun although we have to like, dress formally cos we are marked by our appearance too. I can't wait luh. Anything beats studying. Hahahaha.
I know you guys haven't see me for like 1 week already. So here is a photo of me so that you won't forget how I look like. Me in school. With almost no make up on (just my eyeliner) and I think I look fine. :]
I wanted to type longer cos I miss blogging after so long but I gotta go for now. Got to head over to orchard now. But no worries, I will be blogging again soon cos I have got many many pictures to share. Okay luh, not alot but quite a few.