Well, I guess you can say that I am truly blessed during this holiday to go to two countries one after another. I was seriously SO happy cos my parents initially objected to it but finally relented! Hehe. :D
It was a fully sponsered trip by nuffnang and airasia, made possible by the ever sweet heart, Peggy Heng.
This picture was taken when we are on the private car, on the way to shoppingggg!
I love the hotel that we were provided for cos' it was so big! Even bigger than a suite. I'm serious. :D
Well, I guess I can say that while Bandung is a nice country, good food with cooling temperature at night (no need for aircon), it is not advisable for girls or ladies to go out alone at night. The reason simply, is that it is d-a-n-g-e-r-o-u-s. We experienced first hand since we wanted to grab some necessities and snacks. I had never been so scared my entire life. Serves me right for thinking that every country is as safe as Singapore.
Other than that small unpleasant experience, it was fun - cheap shopping, cheap food and cheap stay. It can serve as a getaway for people who are tight on budget.
You can read more on Peggy's blog: http://thy-dowager.blogspot.com/2009/04/airasia-bandung.html !!! Loves.
Will blog about my Bangkok trip in a few days time. I just got my picture from Fronda. Tata~
Omgwtfbbq, I know I am supposed to blog for the longest time already and I haven't and I don't have any good excuse to give and so I am here to blog again and so don't be angry already okay? -______-"
I have been so busy that I hardly have time to go out and enjoy lor. Everyday I stayed till 6+ AM! And fall asleep slightly after that only to wake up at 3-4pm. I should really keep that in mind that my school is reopening in about 2 more days time?
Die. I am officially a nocturnal animal. I have to revert back to my usual time zone but I guess it is not happening any time soon. Maybe its time to sleep. It is 6.42am right now.
The reason that I haven't blog about any of my trips is because the photos are taking forever to reach me. As much as I want to contain the excitement, I hope it is not dying yet. Because it is simply so fun everyday (other than spending my hardearn cash!) that I wished I am back in bangkok. But I am not so I should get over it.
Okay, I think I am mumbling right now because I ain't thinking properly anymore. My medulla olongata is shutting off by itself. So here, tata! I will try to get the photos asap. I know you can't wait. So do I. :)
Here's a few pictures of myself with my 2.0 megapixel webcam. Fucking act cute I know, but at least I'm STILL 19. 2 more month and no more. :(
I wanna stay 18 forever!