Taken in bkk! Love my denim jacket.
Like totally.
Holidays are most probably the awesomestestest thing that can happen to any student. Hahaha. Apart from getting alot of allowances. Hehe. I have finally saved up all the bkk photos! After being so lazy for such a long time. :D
So this was before I cut my hair of course. Hahaha. Still kinda missed my hair man. :(
Brb. Will be coming up with bkk part 1 shortly.
Oh yes, I neglected this blog of mine that I have again. I guessed it is because I don't really feel inspired to blog since everything had happened eons ago.
Some update about my life:
1. I cut my fringe.... to bangs. -____-"
yessssss... I finally did it. I have been saying it for ever so long but I finally did it one fine day when I felt crazy enough to do something as much as this. Actually I liked my previous hairstyle better but then this new fringe makes me look nicer with my hair up - which is a good thing for clincals! :D
Hweemin and me during our lesson.
Which we were kinda forced by Mr Ho to wear this mask for the entire lesson so that we will get used to it if we were to have to wear it. I can tell you that it is very suffocating to wear it one lor. It's like you can only breath in 5% of the air and you will feel that there is hardly anything coming through that mask. I guessed that makes it one of the safest mask - other than the gas mask which filter 99% of the air. Crazy. I cannot imagine myself wearing that when wearing this mask makes me feel like dying already. Was complaining all the way. Lolololol.
2. I am currently having my attachment again~!!!
This time at NUH (where the location is located at the other end of the world and I take like freaking 1 hour plus to travel every single day to and fro. The distance really put me off!)
The only thing that makes me happier that there is this really cute room especially designed for children which is called the.....
MACDONALD'S ROOM! Zak having fun with Mr MacDonalds?!
The interior of the room.
Hweemin playing the playhouse located just outside the room.
Cute right? I mean the room erhem. I think it would have been great for children last time cos we will go crazy over MacDonalds.. But now, I think it is like BenTen or something and I realised the only thing that haven't really die out is really Disney stuffs - especially Mickey and Minnie. Hahaha.
3. I am very addicted to watching ANTM on youtube.
Haha, I mean, it is so nice that once you started, you won't stop..... I mean, that was the reason why I was lazy updating this blog cos I was busy watching ANTM. Hahahaha! I have been watching seasons after seasons! And it is getting better than ever. :D
That's like some of the things that I am going through right now and the reports that I have to type is also piling up. I'm going for Peggy's and June's birthday party celebration later tonight too. Gonna be exciting. :D