I was just kidding about the cutting hair part. I adore my long hair lots since they are my real hair. Will never cut it short. Ever. Sorry to those that I managed to trick. :P
Hehe. After months of whining that I wanna go to the zoo again, Patrik decided to bring me to night safari instead since he never been there before. For our 9th month! :D :D :D
yeah I know, so fast rightttt? I can't believe it too.
Super delighted and excited. Just like a little kid. But I don't care cos I'm going to the zoo, zoo, zoo night safari. Furthermore, for the entire month of october, they are going to have halloween special. Meaning that I will get to see zombies, people in scary outfits all around.
We drove there, or rather he drove cos I don't know how to, and stupid Fronda who promised to take the licence with me, pangseh me and went to take first! What turf right. But nevermind, I will forgive you. Haha. Anyway, it proved to be a smart choice cos when we exited the place, the taxi queue was like so long, I can't see the starting point and parking was relatively cheap. :))
So for those who intend to go there anytime soon, drive if you could!
And I thought Patrik would bring his sister's camera along that day so I didn't bother to charge mine beforehand and guess what, his sister brought the camera out so we are left with a dying camera. I'm lucky I still got these photos to blog though. Laughs!
And we reached! Must take in front of the grand entrance.
Can't really sense my excitement but I was really very happy to be there. Even wore my leopard printed spag so that I can blend into the wild animals. Lols!
I made a mistake about the timing that night safari opens at 6pm. Apparently it opens at 7pm. So we were left with 1 hr before official entrance. Thus, we went around taking pictures of the halloween themed night safari. :D :D :D
Scary tales! Me likey. So does him! :))
I think everyone should go when night safari has all those special themes cos they really put alot of effort in decorating the entire place up! Bery bery nice.
We were queueing up to take photo with the pumpkin!
I was supposed to act scared one. But I didn't. Anyway, this was the picture the photographer took using my camera. He also took like 3 other pictures (which were for sale at some counter that we didn't managed to find till the very end). So I was glad that we still got this one at least, FOC somemore. Hahaha. Since the ticket and tram ride already costed a bomb.
Among the scary dressed "humans", we were super impressed by this one below.
We saw her pushing the cart super slowly! Selling ren rou bao (human meat bun in chinese). She then held out a small tray with a cut out nose (fake duh) and when the audience got closer, a human head pops out of the big tray this time, scaring all the people at the front row. It was super hilarious. But we got to admit, she was super committed to her role.
Took this outside the toilet but it was our favourite photo of us that day. Dearest Patrik liked it so much that he used it as his main fb photo. ♥
Feeling bored still, because of the free time, he tried to be bo liao and ask me to take this shot of him trying to eat the fish. I think it looks more like the fish kissing his nose lor! :P
Then, we decided to settle down at Ben & Jerry.
Him studying the map.
Looks like zoo one. Just that it's zoo in the night time? Can someone verify this? Lols. I always thought that they are different.
Our ticket! I like it that they print different animals on different tickets!Must pose with the tics! After not going there for so long. I think for like, at least 7 years!!! Omg can't believe that I never go there for so long already. But it really changed alot luh.
Dear mimicking the catfish (I supposed?). Lols!
And after the 1000000 pictures of self camwhoring, it was time to enter the night safari. Our first stop was of course, the animal show. Surprisingly, it was very packed (maybe cos it was a Saturday).The instant camera that we bought in advance just in case that my camera batt dies and I'm getting the pictures tomorrow. Hopefully I am able to see them as they are all taken in the dark. Lol!
While waiting for the seats to be filled!♥hearts♥
The zoo keeper explaining some stuffs to us.
Fire show.
After the animal show ended, we went for our "special themed" tram ride. It was actually the usual tram ride just that towards the end, we enter this special area where there were people dressed up as pretty scary fairy tale princesses! I managed to see snow white, cinderella, beauty and the beast and mermaid? So sad for the mermaid part lor! The mermaid tail kanna chopped into pieces one! :(
After the tram ride, we still explored the whole night safari by foot! Some areas are really quite dark and creepy to walk and I was glad that he held my hand the entire time. Can't imagine if I was there alone man. Think I will cry. Lols!
And we went for this blood trail! Quite scary luh I would say. ♥ the effort.
Saw alot alot of nocturnal creatures! Including my favourite, the slow loris! Bery bery cute! And it climbed all the way up into our full view. Only a hand away. Super adorable. It totally made my day. The fun part about night safari is that you always always had to spot the animal and sometimes, it's not easy to see them under dim light!!
Hehe.Bery tired after walking like 3/4 of the night safari. So we just rest at this Z'bra bar for a while before carrying on. :)
Vampire anyone? Can't wait for the real halloween to come again! I wanna go party wearing other costume again. :) :) :)
Sad to say, my camera died so there weren't much pictures of the animals! Except for this one that I managed to take with my iphone as the animal is so freaking close and the light make it possible!
Wells, at least there's one! *staying positive*:D :D :D
I really enjoyed my time there and thanks dear for bringing me to the night safari that I always wanted. Aye lub chew bery bery muah! ♥
Shall end off this post with my big face agains.
And thanks for reading! ♥
Very shagged almost every other day due to attachment! Currently having my attachment at my sponsered hospital, TTSH. And life's good (other than being tired) cos we always get to laugh at Hweemin everyday. :D
Tomorrow is the last day I'm gonna have my attachment at TTSH already and I'm glad that I like the hospital I'm bonded to. Lols.
I'm too tired to blog now. Will blog again soon!