Hehe, I'm updating on the last day of my long weekend! I bought so much things that I'm going broke already. :( Venue: River View Hotel (Near Zouk) We first headed there for our makeover preparation!
But shopping is certainly addictive. Lols.
As promised, the post that I am so going to post up!!!111
Which is about this year's halloween or rather, HELL-O-WEEN.
This year, we got enough of the slut wear we wore last year and decided to dress up like we arrive from the depths of hell. That's right, our theme was CORPSE BRIDE! Peggy's idea and she got the skirts for all of us.
The skirt is so fluffy and pretty and gothic all at the same time. Just right for the gothic theme we are supposed to protray. :D
Peggy managed to get a hotel near zouk called riverside hotel. Awesome right?Peggy dear putting on the make up for us! (:
And June babe sorting out the veil to put on our heads.
& that's me halfway through the make up!
Peggy ordered that no one is supposed to drink after we put on our lip make up.
And so, I poured out the coke in the refrigerator into a cup and said,"Have you guys seen ghost drink coke before? Hehehe."
Okay lame. But they burst out laughing all the same. ♥
Finally, at the unearthly time of almost 12am, just before halloween was over, all the dead brides were revived.Could you guys even recognise me? Lol.
Ju on is on the right. I swear.
Peggy's friend who is a vampire! Make up done by Peggy herself within 5 minutes. Hahaha. She's a make up guru after completing all 8 of our make up by then. ;)
(some pictures credit to Peggy dear)Is it just awesome or pretty much awesome? We are all so pleased with how "dead" we all look. Especially with all the fake blood around. But the fake blood is damn sticky & gets disgusting after a while. But all these are worth it! Cos it's halloween. :) :) :)
Some of the people didn't bother to dress up though. Shame on them. But I would say most of them did! Like close to 80%. Haha. Halloween is no fun without dressing up I would say!
Alrights, to cut the long story short, here are the pictures took within zouk! With the more outstanding ones:Spot the clown! Easy with a sea of black surrounding him.
With Peggy dear. Don't know how to look scary enough with my mouth open so I just close my mouth most of the time cos I look scarier like that.
Tablecloth ghost!!! I wonder how they see.
Scary macdonald?!
Mummy! Now I want my mummy. *cries*
Midway, I realised I didn't have photos of the other girls and so...Here's your truly with the Nikki and Jojo.
And Wan zhuo baby! *stares at boobies*
Wells, they are a cute bunch. I still can't figure out whether the two girls nearest to me are guys or just very man looking girls. :X
Woo bunny. Eyecandies for guys totally. I like the eyelashes of the girl on the right. Yellow FTW!
I think he wasted one whole lipstick just for halloween.
Love her contact lenses and her ears. They were made out of her very own hair. Awesome much too.I totally dig superman's 8 pacs! His gf looks pretty hot as well. :D
Lady GaGa who kept asking us to remember to come to her concert.
I should have asked for a discount. Damn.Sexy police officerrrrr!
And joker!
With that, we felt that it it's way too crowded to be having any fun any longer. Felt that last year's halloween was more funnn though I love this year's make up much much more!Goodbye zouk. I think next year I won't be returning to zouk already. Way too crowdedddd!
Before we left, we totally had to take pictures of all of us!!!11
Full fledge of corpse brides brought to you by your truly. :) :)I ♥ these girls.
Took photos of those standing outside zouk as well and they appear to be more awesome than the crowd inside.I know. Gross right?
And prep yourself for the next!!We took photo with a tissue pack. Fucking funny. They even make slits for the eyes! Poor guy must be sweating like a pig inside.
We ta bao-ed stuffs from 7-11 next and had a ball of time in the hotel room.Even corpse brides are vain since they haven't look into the mirror after so long.
Now, who wanna be our grooms?
xia0xue aka corpse bride
That's me in class using my webcam as a photobooth and zakiah wanting to be in the limelight as well behind. Lols.
I am glad that the people at TPY polyclinic are super nice and it is not very busy. Thank god. :))
Managed to participate in mammography too!! I think guys are very envious of me cos I get to see so many _______. Hahaha.
And long weekend ahead! Woohoooooo. Bery bery happy. :)
Had my first wagyu beef experience today too! Double happiness.
With Patrik dear. Haven't seen him for 3 days.is.a.torture. So triple happiness.
Fucking stressed about my projects previously but thank god the teacher replied me! Shall put it at the back of my head first. Hehe.
And you know what, I went to register for basic theory already! 15/12/09!!! Even read through the book already. I know, so kiasu right? Lols.
Next post will be the halloween post I swearrr. I uploaded all of the picx already since I'm in a good mood today. Stay tune. :D
Thanks for reading! ♥
Clinicals are tomorrow. To be precise, it is in a few hours time. Like erm, in 7 hours time. I will be alone at Toa Payoh Polyclinic.
Those who are free and wanna geng MC can come and find me at here lor. :D
It's 1 am and I'm still bloody awake. Someone shoot me.
Sidenote: I met some fucking rude minahs today at TPY mrt lor. When you see someone rushing for the mrt, the smartest thing is to get out of the way bitches. You don't go and block their way deliberately and then make a lot of noise right ? Especially since it was not crowded. At all. I have nothing against minahs. Just this group of bloody rude minahs. Totally ruin my day.
I am feeling fucking pms-y these few days. I tend to shout at people like Patrik dearest and other random victims and feel guilty right afterwards! Thanks to the monthly menstration cycle!!!11
Really wonder why we have to get that per monthly blood donation thingy. It physically drain the energy away from me and instantly transform to this gloomy figure that don't look interested in anything. Lols! Everything just doesn't go the way I wanted it to be and I don't feel satisfied enough for every single thing I do. Which includes retail theraphy.
Gosh, I feel like smacking myself at the amount of moolahs I am squandering away. I just bought a long Bonia wallet that came with a small coin pouch for my mummy. I just felt like it at that moment of time and so, I bought it. But the happiness she expressed made me felt that it was worth it. Feels so filial suddenly. Hahaha! :)
Also, clinicals are coming again. I always felt confused whether I liked school better or clinicals better. It's good to have school cos school usually ends earlier and it's less tiring but clinicals really depends. Shall pray really really hard that the people I meet are nice! :D :D :D
Anyways, pictures from fucking long(er) ago. Trashed aside and found!
All I remember was hao lianing about the day I learnt how to curl my hair using a bloody STRAIGHTENER! It is no easy feat okay? It took a while to learn the skill one!!!11Went out with the curled hair I am so proud of! It looks so dollish, the way I wanted it to be. Lols!
Somemore close-up of my awesome hair:
I dig big curls! How I wish perming will get such effect but then they never did. Tried and tested. Maybe for the bigger waves but still, it won't achieve this kinda effect lor!! So I will stick to my faithful straightener to produce such lovely curls. Hahaha. :D
I also love bytle dolls tees! I know they do look scary but still, they are damn cute. Big head, big eyes, small nose, small mouth. Isn't that like the best facial feature ever?! Excluding the big head of course. I own like 3 bytle doll tees but sadly, nobody can differentiate one from the other! wtf lor.
Was invited to a jersey themed party with some of my lovlies!
Ka-poed Patrik's liverpool jersey to wear! It's like the most comfy sleepwear to wear in and probably the only t-shirt that he has that could fit me without looking like I didn't wear any pants. Lololol.
Headed over to zouk next!With Fyonne darling friends! Was fun. I never clubbed for very long already! Less than 5 times this year I swearrrrr. Hahahaha. Apparently Michelle was shocked at the number of times I club this year.
Next up, I finally meet up with the clique! After so long. :D
Miss them alotalotalotalot!!!!111
Went to play wii.
Wells, I look glam 99.9% of the time. This is just the 0.01%.
And I lost to angchuanting. :((
I look so fair beside her! Hahaha.
Okay luh, make me feel quite happy. Cos I thought I haven't recover from my previous tanning session which was like 1 year plus ago.
Headed over to Billy Bomber's for dinner. :D :D :D
The girlies! Love them.
The signature pose of the day. *inside joke*
Drank my favourite cookies & cream milkshake as usual! Having to share with angchuanting. But then she has to go and do this retarded facial expressions. *faint instantly*
All of us after meal! Super satisfied.
Awesome company. As usual.
May had to leave midway after dinner and we headed to somewhere called Jbar (is this right?) to have a couple of drinks and Jeraldine came to join us shortly.
Dixon who is now at Australia! I also want to go. Any sponsers?
Dearest angchuanting. Can't imagine JC life without her. Lols!
I heart her so much that I wanna bite her. Haha kidding. I don't think she'll taste nice. :X
@ J bar. Lazy to put captions already!
Michelle with her fucking LV bag. So nice right? Given by her aunty as her 21st birthday pressie. Me also want. But I'm satisfied with my pink gucci bag still for now. :)With Jeraldine. I like her dress.
Guess I won't be meeting them any time soon already! So sad lor. Everytime got school + clinicals make it so damn hard for meet ups with my besties. And clinicals are starting next monday!
God bless me. Shall end here. Thanks for reading! ♥