To all those who happened to chance onto my tiny blog.
Summing up this year's "first times":
1.) My first time doing a photoshoot for an online blogshop - lollyrouge. Which is rather famous via online now. :D
2.) My first time going for braces! It has been years that ppl kept harping that I should go for it blah blah.. & I did!
3.) My first time organising a birthday party. For myself.
4.) My first time going for an operation - refer to lasik post.
5.) My first time receiving a home delivery bouquet of roses, though I wasn't home when it arrived.
6.) My first time dying my own hair via DIY style. Using liese! & the result was not bad. Lols.
7.) My first time going to bangkok!
8.) My first time seeing tiger show and get conned. LOL fml to the max.
And I think there are alot of first times that I had forgotten. But this year is a good one! & I'm so happy that there are so many people who complete my life. I love you all.
Before I forget,
MERRY fucking CHRISTMAS to everyone!!!!!111
Going to spend it with my awesome friends this year. (:
Thanks for reading. ♥
Hey guys, I'm contemplating on whether I should have a change of hairstyle pretty soon agains. Seems like I can never get quite settled down with my hairstyle. Whenever I got my long fringe, I got bored of it then I want to get short fringe again. And when I got short fringe, I want to grow back my long fringe!
I know, I am super fickle-minded. Or rather to phrase it in a nice way, I am adventurous and love to experiment. :X
Now, I need you guys to help me decide if I should chop off my fringe again!Photo of esther of me. Photo credit to esther. (:
This photo is super duper long agoooo. Close to 6 months old! And it's the phase that I love my fringe most part. But then, that time I went to a super crappy place to chop off my fringe.
Crappy cos I only paid $8 for apprentices to cut my hair. Stupid I know. My fringe came out uneven and too short for my liking. :(
Only after my fringe outgrown itself then I trimmed it then I liked it abit more.
Hehe, so do you think I should cut my fringe? Stop me if you think I'm being silly. I don't want to wait for my fringe to become loooong again.
I want to cut something like this style. Mad chio. And it works super well with curls! Gosh, I'm fucking tempted.Side note: Happy birthday to Neo JianXiang Patrik! I ♥ you. Hope you ♥ all your presents like I do! :D
Remember to drop some comments on my taggy before you leave. ♥