Remember when I first blogged about my 1st monthiversary????
It's like 1 year+ now and still going strong. I don't think I will meet someone who is as nice and understanding as him olready. Can tolerate my nonsenses and pms and temper. Hahaha.
But other than that, I think I'm like the rarest girfriend someone can have also okay cos I think I put in alot of effort for all the presents I give him and I am also v v nice to him can? So he's more lucky than me!!! :p
After a good one year, he decided to give me this...A white bear? Mad cute thoughhhh. But it's actually a box. :)
Our customised couple rings from couple lab. Both of our fingers belong to the skinny type. So I wore like size 5/6 and he wore size 7/8 (Note: He wore girl size!!!!) Cos he cannot fit into the guy's sizing. Too big already. Hahahaha!
Initially, he wanted to get Tiff n co but I think it is so not worth it to pay $175 each for a stupid silver ring! And cannot tell it's from Tiff n co somemore. I know, if I want to buy something branded, I would want everyone to know it's branded. Cos I don't see why I should spent so much $ and nobody can tell it's branded. Duh right? And I would rather he give the $ to me. Lols. :)
And the one we chose is nicer than the Tiff n co one. I know it sounds like sourgrapes but then Tiff n co got very limited design luh. Haha I wouldn't mind the 6 clasped bling though. *mad raves*
Okay, moving on...
Guess what else he got me! :DA bouquet of 12 roses! 3 red, 9 pink. Also the current most no. of roses I have ever received.
Personally, I don't really really like flowers till mad luh but I like the gesture and thought! Now, it's air dried and lying on my table. Loves.
After he got me this, I told him not to give me any flowers this valentine's day cos the price will rocket sky high and it's super not worth it. Afterall, valentine's day is just another day created by "someone" to make couples spent it romantically and we did, without all the extravagous stuffs. :))
Some more camwhoring of the flowers in the car. We are going to bird park! Weee.Ok, ignore my colourful braces. I have no idea why I decided to put colour in the first place. Lols. Adds to the ugliness.
But first, he sent me home so that I can have a change of clothes before heading to our destination.
I am not an enthusiast about birds and neither is he. But I just find that it has been sooooo long since I went to the bird park! And he haven't been there either. We also came up with some stupid art competition between ourselves. So it's like funnnn! :D :D :DOur tix!! With the sketchbook as the bg.
Yay birdpark birdpark!!!!!!!!!!!111
I always remember that the first stop is the penguins lor. And I'm correct.So cute, he wants a picture of him lifting up the ship. :D
Penguins~! How adorable. They like just stand and stone there totally. Maybe drying themselves? Cos it looks like they are drying their arm pits!!!!!!111
Say aye to the captain. Hahaha.
Destination: Next stop - tram ride.
On our way there.... We stopped by the photography kiosk. :))While waiting....
Still waiting.....
So smooches for being such a dear. *shy*
And it's our turn!!!!!111Only can use our cam to take the birds as background lors. Damn dumb right? Money making idiots. :(
But I am still a sucker for such stuffs cos I bought the photo as the anniversary gift for him. Costs $25 for a stupid photo. I know, so dumb right. But it's not everyday we go to the birdpark what!The map!
And nao we are like really on the track to the tram ride.Inside the cabin. I think it is super not worth it to go for the tram. Costs $5 each and not much to see. Walk also see the same things. -___-"
Our rings. :))
When worn.The photos with the birds. Yes, the one that costs $25. :'(
Then we went on Cheat-us-money tram ride.It's like a mrt ride lor!!! Can't even see anything.
Feels so cheated. Somemore $5 each.
So people, if you are lazy and wanna go to the Jurong Bird Park, I still don't encourage you guys to go for the tram ride. Lols.The famous kalerfull parrots! Actually I prefer those that can micmick human's sounds. Damn intelligent. I remember last time got one part allows us to interact with those parrots one but then like no more already.
Flamingoes!!! :D
The zookeeper says that like us, humans, some are tall and some are short. The tallest can reach up to 2m. Very amazing.Pointing the map at where we are now. :D :D :D
And more camwhoring photos along the way. Get used to it luh. It's not everyday one goes to the Bird park right? Right.There will be more of such photos later. Photos with the birds till you will get sick of it. Hahaha.
Snap snap snap. Took so many birds photos but some I also like forgotten the names! Lols.I remember drawing this! Lolololol.
See, can see somemore.
And asked so many tourists to help us take photos oso. So paiseh but bo bian. Haha~!
Hehe, and we arived at another flamingo place! This time this species is more pink than to red. The ones that are more commonly known I guess? But I think the red one chioer. Anyone thinks the same way?Being silly. The way that makes me giggled and laughed my ass off even though it's retarded to do that.
Saw this sign somewhere. Very cute lor. The parrot becomes a construction worker. Haha.
After seeing alot alot of birds along the way, we went to the pelican cove...They can store gallons of water in their beaks while fishing for fishes. And there's many many different breeds as well.
Seriously, what is your favourite bird?Mine is undoubtedly, the swan.
They look sooo elegant and beautiful at the same time. And most importantly, they ain't born that way. They came from an ugly duckling. :)Some random statues.
And we entered a cage!Some bird facts! So do not call anyone bird-brained.
It's damn difficult to take these bird pics okay! No joke. Cos they don't stay still at all. Patrik's favourite is the red bird with black coat. Classy. Looks as if it's wearing a tuxedo.Patrik dear teasing the ostrich. Damn smelly I tell you. Eeewww.
Other ferocious birds...The USA eagle! The macro shot makes my pics looks pro right! Hahaaha.
And vulture!
We realised that birds that eat rotten stuff all have bald heads. Really.
Maybe that also applies to why some uncles are balding??? Hahaha.Bottle tree!
Behind this lies the paradise of birds.
And its trueeeee. There's 3247131 birds inside.
Once you go in, they flock to you.
But only if....You are holding a container of delicious liquid.
SEE! The row of birds...
The red one bullying the smaller greens. :(
Haha they just flock to you, resting on your arm and shoulder. But Patrik says their claws are abit painful luh. Lols.
One even rested on his head! I say it's cos his head looks like bird nest, that's why. Hahahahahahaaha. This is my favourite picture of him of the day. :D :D :D
Very nice hor??? Can take with the birds till so close contact. I oso want. But I am scared. Hahaha.
So can only take liddis.
-__________-"One last photo before they finally decided to fly off! Cos the container is obviously empty already. Hahaha.
One bowl costs $3. Suckers.Some crowned pigeon.
Patrik drawing them!
& also chasing them around. Lolololol.
I think the owl enclosure is one of our last stop lo.Had an affair with one of owl on the wall.
He punched the owl cos I kissed it. Damn LOL.
Don't know if you can see it or not. But if you looked hard enough, you will be able to make out the outline of the owl. It is damn big. If I see this in the wild, I think I will also be scared. Hahaha.
Some red bird that is quite pretty. :D
Classic. Hahahaha.
The swan lake outside bird park.
Before we officially left the place.
And we went for dinner! My treat.
To gyu kaku.
For the awesomest beef we ever ate.Real burning hot white charcoal. :3
And no fumes! Means won't smell of bbq after this meal.The waygu beef. Major yums.
Blogging about this really makes me damn hungry.
I should totally forget about the waygu beef thingy. It's the only beef that literally melts in your mouth. T.TSee the meat! So tender and fresh.
Ordered Udon too.
Bill came up to almost $100+. But it's really really nice. How I wished they still have their buffet promo. $50/person.
Lol, btw this entry had been dragged on for 1+ months! We are going almost 14 months already. Sorry but I will blog more when I return....
From my Bali trip. :))
I hope that it'll be awesome.