1.Tiffany and co (necklace or bracelet) 2. Long Champ/Agnes B Bag (small size to put my key, wallet and hp!)
Some people wonder why I don't blog anymore. Actually, I feel that blogging is a platform to vent out my frustrations, which I won't otherwise cos I am actually a pretty happy-go-lucky person and also to blog down about my everyday life.
And when everything is falling in place and you are leading a near perfect life, I mean, to be contented with your life, you will want to indulge in that part of your life as much as possible rather than spend time blogging your life away right? Furthermore, I'm also not using this blog as a business so I don't see why I should be blogging when I am having funs with my gfs, boyfriend, friends and family.
Hehe. Perhaps it's time to refurnish my blog. Since it has been so long that I ever change my blogskin. The pic on top don't even look like me now. LOL!
Recently, I am busy with school (as usual) and also since I am in third year now, I have Final Year Project (FYP) to deal with. I don't understand when people think that our mentor is backing us up and a certain figurine is putting our group down by calling us the A-drop group instead of addressing us as the wheelchest group. Isn't it funny how he can memorise the rest of the group names and can't memorise ours?
To zak's group that call us Sai geok's troops and claims that Sai geok is defending us and picking on them. Think, just for a moment. Aren't YOUR mentor picking on us too?
Why do you have to phrase it to make it sound like our grp acutally useless without sai geok. I think our group not in any way inferior to the other groups and sai geok just served as an advising mentor only. Just cos your group fails to explain how the mechanism will work out to be, and can I mention again, ALL of the teachers asked questions. Why are you the one who is marking out Sai geok's words? I feel that the one who is actually skeptical of your group's project is not our mentor, but Mdm J who understands that using laser is no easy feat.
Sorry but to just to let you know, we still have to do our research and stuff from scratch. Please stop calling us Sai geok's troop or Adrop group 'cause it isn't fair for us. It would be the same as if I call your group vj's ball holders. Do you like it? I won't and it isn't very nice. Anyway, as I am a straightforward person, this is my reply to zak as to her post on facebook about us and I think it's only fair we could defend ourselves from within. And why the sudden attack? :(
I do wish for all the other groups to have a smooth journey for FYP cos it's gonna be challenging and stressful.
Sigh. Afterall, it's our own hardwork. Nevermind, we'll see. :D
Wahahaha I made this! Does Sai geok make this? NO. I made it. And this is my FYP group. Nice? :)
I used to laugh at the shrek (Angelo) the mostest. Then it shifted from Eunice to yy then our beloved mentor. Cos they are just too cute.
Also, bought 2 cuties 2 months back. They were so small when Patrik and I brought them home. Now they are so fat and cute. We named them xiao bai and xiao pang. Reason being obvious that one is super white and the other super fat! Haha. But they are very obedient and don't bite at all. Major loves!
Xiao Bai and Xiao Pang! Xiao Bai is fucking chio and white we swear! :D
They are both pearl white dwarf hamsters.
Moving on, I had also been to Universal studios!!
Thanks to my dearest Patrik who happens to work for Singtel. So they were having a special company day and tickets were going for $20 each - which includes a $10 food coupon each. Totally worth it, isn't it?Haha, so hard to get a perfect picture when there's so many people walking around luh!
Woohoo popcorn cart.
Madagascar! I love this production, along with Shrek!
In total there are alot of places to visit luh, but due to the late timing, only 3 rides were open. The Shrek 4D, mini coaster from shrek, The Mummy ride plus the water show. I also had a super big turkey leg I swear. Costs only $10 for a meal. You guys should really try it. Hahaha.
Okay wait, I think I have pictures!Look at the size of that! It's like the size of my face. Lols! And look at the gingerbreadman. Awwws, Patrik dear got it for me. Mad love.
With Fiona's parents. Think I took this while waiting for the Shrek 4D ride.
With Donkey and gingerbreadman! Too cute.
Lastly, group photo with his collegues.
I think I would like to go back to Universal Studios again to try out the other rides, especially the world's first duo rollercoaster once it embarks on its journey again. Who's with me? :D :D :D
Anyways, my birthday is coming up and I am so hyped about it now. Cos I bought the dress that I really really like for the first time! And I am so sexcited to see my beloved friends dressing up for the theme. Can't wait!
If you guys have no idea what to buy, here's a wishlist since quite a few have been asking me for it.
4. Perfume
5. Make up
6. 99 roses. Just kidding. So not practical. Okay how about 50 roses then? Hahahahaha. =x
7. How about an instanx camera? It would polly be cool but I can forsee it being left on the shelf after I get bored with it. :(
8. Hello kitty mj set! Cute ttm.