Today I woke up at 5.30am just to go to school!!! Even though it's like the march holidays already. I was so so so so deprived of sleep that the moment I sat at my computer desk, I fell asleep for around 1 hour before waking up with aches all over. Thus, all are worth it. The accompany, the learning, the fun. :)
So yup, I signed up for the HSBC treetop walk with my beloved odac people excluding ANG CHUAN TING cos she somehow don't want to come. Hahah. Ahhh. you should have seen him!
It was like really back to the overseas trip other than here, it's all trees, trees and more trees. But we did spot quite a few of monkeys around (which includes a baby monkey that is super cute but I didn't take any photo of it cos my hp cannot zoom much) and some other insects.
Learnt quite a few things in the trip. Quite interesting actually.
One of them is the fig tree which bores fruits but you won't be able to see any flowering cos the flowers are inside the fruit. The fruit is edible but then cos humans are picky, we don't eat it. HA!
And also saw quite a few interesting shaped leaves which includes a heart-shaped looked alike and maple leaf look alike. There's even a leaf that smells like guava! And a certain type of plum tree that hooks on trees/animals. Lols.
The highlight of the the trailing was of course, the bridge that allows you to see the emergence of the jungle.
The jungle is a secondary jungle - which means that it only has three layers. Ahhh.. geography. Hah.. Took this with Kwan Yee while on the bridge. It is freaking scary. I think there's about 20-30 metres down. So imagine the bridge breaking. BUT! The bridge is not really scary cos it's like super safe. Made of steel instead of wad u picturing as wooden planks with some missing bits. Hahahaha.
This is roughly how the bridge looks like. The black head is Aloysius.
Spoil the picture sia! LOLS.The most breathtaking.. was the scenery!!