A day set aside especially for Queenie who got into an accident recently. Stupid driver had the audicity to not step out after knocking her down! Furthermore, it was green man. Obviously the driver was not paying attention (ie. him making a right turn into the pedestrain walkway) or talking on the phone luh. Else you see got people crossing you will also stop right? -__-"
Don't know how these kind of people can pass their driving test lor! Poor Queenie suffered from lateral ankle fracture and some abrasion. Luckily nothing serious as compared to multiple trauma we heard so much of during traffic accidents. Meeting Peggy babe after her work to head to Q's house. Also my first time going to Q's house cos of this!Hehe getting ready, might as well camwhore abit since I am always early. Even now I am blogging cos I am waiting for Peggy to get ready to go town. We are supposed to meet at 2pm but now is already 325pm. Lol!!
The flowers we decided to buy for her. So pretty right! I also want such packaging one. Max nice.
Peggy babe!
Her brother who drove us to and sent me back home! Mad nice.
Queenie dar who got her foot broken and bandaged. Kesian!
So cute lor this picture. I love it max. Even though it is a sad affair that our dear friend got into such an accident, going down to find her, talk, and hang out is always so fun. Love you guys. And to Queenie, please get well soooooonest then we can go walk walk after your foot recuperates!
Have a speedy recovery and to all, please drive safely!!!!!